Tuesday, December 19, 2023

 Yesterday was pretty uneventful.

I have talked about construction at the vacant lot by my primary bus stop.  They put a chain link fence around it.  The fence has some sort of fabric barrier that blocks line of sight.  

What does that mean?  My driver comes around the curve now, sees me at the last second, has to stand on the brake.  I am not crazy about that especially in the dark when I'm already hard to spot.

Other than that it was a good ride to work.  If the buses line up I get off the first, wait a few minutes, board the second.  Today the second bus pulled up to the stop when I was across the street.  I waved at him, he saw me, and waited.  This is one reason I am always nice to the bus driver.

So I walked in early.  Boss saw me and was very approving so I may start early she said.  I am up for that.  God knows I can use the money 

My parka has some major issues I will put up photos.  Short version don't buy a coat with waterproof pockets the seal breaks and the pockets come out.  And I am not hard on my coats.  My jeans, yes, but not my coats.  

So at some point I will get a new coat.  Do I want to get a white coat so I am easier to see?  Or something cute like hot pink, purple, etc.  I will probably get the white.  

That's it for now!

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