Wednesday, October 13, 2021


 I slept HORRIBLY but woke to find I had, indeed, gotten paid at $13 an hour for my last pay period.  That was a nice sum.  Of course once I ran the numbers it went down a lot but it was a nice start.  I got ready, left, caught the one bus, caught the two others, got to work early.  

Work itself was fine, I stayed busy.  I left on time.  Trudged across the parking lot (feet a little tired by now) and waited on my fourth bus of the day.  Caught it, just missed the last bus.  Curses.  But the wait wasn't too long and then off the bus, walking home.  

One guy was walking two odd looking pit bull mixes (they had the head and body, but odd coloration), I made sure to avoid them.  I am certain I reek of cats.  Spotty spent enough time loving on me this morning to ensure that.  

But I have to say I think the new lint guard/pet hair prevention dryer sheets are doing the job, it was very easy to get the cat hair off my shirt.  I didn't realize he had also got my ankles until later at work, I had some nice orange cat hair!  

I am done with jeggings.  I liked the concept.  I like jeans.  On occasion, I like leggings.  But they are snug at the legs, loose in the midsection, and then snug again at the waist.  Not much fun getting them back on after I used the toilet, either.  I would rather just wear a pair of regular jeans.  I have them in the wash and then they are going into storage.  

It was a nice concept, though.  And the price wasn't bad with my discount.  But we have some $9.88 Juniors sized stuff that fits well, and as I lose weight I can cruise through those without bankrupting myself.  I mean, think about it.  I have to work an hour to earn that $13 and then some of it goes to taxes.  So it's more like $12 from what I calculated.  That's a lot of work for a pair of jeans they had better be comfortable, good looking, and long lasting.  

I am developing hives I need to go deal with this.  

 I had some itch cream but no benadryl.  I need to get some tomorrow.  I may just take another allergy pill.  Nope I checked my pill box I have Claratins for every day so I already took one.  I think I'm going to try to take a little nap.   

I ate a big handful of chewable C and I think that did the trick.  Talked to my parents, texted with my aunt.  I am tired and ready to go to bed.  

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