Sunday, October 3, 2021


 I really believe most of life is not what happens but how you react.  I got to work OK and clocked in right at 10:55, went to my work station.  Worked.  I was very busy when a manager came by after obviously talking to a woman I know for a fact spends most of her shift standing around and gossiping... said "So and so" (that woman) "Couldn't do this so she needed me to do it."  I almost said something.  Almost got very angry because it is not fair to make the hard worker pick up the slack for the lazy one.  

But then I remembered postal workers complaining about this very thing, and how many of them said they just stopped trying to give a good day's work because they were doing the work of all the lazy people.  I don't want to be the bitter one.  I don't want to be the resentful one.  I didn't want to be the tattler (to the boss, saying if X had done her job instead of gossiping she could have done all the work herself).  I didn't want to let this upset me.  So I just said "When I get a minute" waving my hand at my work station.  She said OK and left.  

I did do the work when I got a minute and was mostly done when the next shift came in.  It was nice to have it almost finished.  I did finish it and get it put away before I left.  And the manager saw me WORKING every time she passed.  

But Walmart got their $13 an hour worth out of me.  That is what the nice hotel by the transit center was paying their front desk clerks, by the way.  I am looking forward to that next paycheck it should be pretty tasty (compared to my other checks this year).  I am not averse to hard work it is nice to be appreciated.  

So after work I had to take the bus home.  I want to take a ride home tomorrow after work and I couldn't afford to take 2 rides today and then one tomorrow.  So I hiked across the parking lot, crossed the very busy street.  I got that and will get more comfortable with it, but traffic was very busy and that gets me anxious.  I had gotten a double cheeseburger so I ate that while I waited.  The bus came half an hour later (the way it works going that way I am always going to miss the first bus).  I got on, long ride.  Get off, wait on the second bus.  Get off right outside the subdivision and walk home.  

I have to go to bed early because I have to leave the house about 6:30 tomorrow for work.  But I work my 5 hours and I am done for 2 days.  I will pay for a ride home.  I can do that, that saves me 2 hours travel time.  And it's ridiculous because I could be halfway to Austin or Dallas in that time, DEFINITELY get to Galveston, Baytown, etc.  It's just a long ride home on the bus.  I see it as a ministry to the bus drivers.  Or I try to, but some very long rides.  

That's it for now.  

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