Monday, October 25, 2021

The infamous list comes out

 I slept really badly, woke up depressed, cried some over a song.  "God's Great Dance Floor" I know Ron is on it partying away...I miss him.  So I had an ugly cry for a while and didn't feel better.  

I am waiting on my aunt to come get me.  I am wearing some leggings so I can try on jeans at the thrift shop, over my clothes.  

But in the meantime I thought I would get out the list I have been working on for the next guy, if there is one.  

Positive Features: 

Loves Jesus, prayer and Bible study is important.  

Kind, loves cats.  

Even-tempered/level headed.  

Mentally stable.  

Sober living - not in recovery but never used to begin with.  I know he's out there.  

Looks don't matter I don't care if he is disabled but needs to be healthy (decent weight for height) and low risk lifestyle (no smoking, carb addiction, motorcycles).  

Responsible including with money, low debt.  Hardworking not too proud to take a grunt job if needed.  

Don't Want:

No addictions including gambling.  Also covers food addiction, extreme obesity, and hoarding.  

No man bun or ponytail.  Would prefer short hair but not a deal killer.  Ron's hair was about 8 inches long per medical examiner and I was happy with that.  Bald spot not a deal killer either I liked to kiss Ron's.  

No hustling, get rich quick schemes.  Can't stand that.   

Healthy coping mechanisms, can verbalize thoughts/feelings in a healthy way, no screaming or verbal abuse.  No tantrums or pouting.  

Not at work things can get very ugly fast.  

Driving is not a deal breaker if he is disabled and cannot I would work with that.  But a safe driver with vehicle clean/in good repair.  

No body modifications.  Can live with some tattoos but no stretched out earlobes or piercings.  Our body is a temple and should be treated with respect.  

Cares about stuff like love language and spending quality time with me.  

That's pretty much it.  NOT looking for another four and a half years, though.  I need to be comfortable by myself before I can look for someone else.  

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