Monday, October 11, 2021

Monday morning

 Mood is OK and it is my day off.  I think this is a first.  I went to bed early last night and slept late, until around 8:30.  At one point I woke with a headache but went back to sleep, when I woke up again it was gone.  

If you would like to pray for me, no headaches is a good start, good general mental and physical health, financial working out OK, healthy happy cats.  

I didn't eat until after I did my God time, when I do it right it takes a while.  I made a shake with vanilla soy milk, hemp protein powder (unflavored), a couple of ice cubes and some vanilla yogurt.  It is pretty good.  I will have the collagen at night before I go to bed.  I have good things to eat in the freezer I just need to figure out am I doing the steak patty dinner with mac and cheese, the lasagna, or something else.  But I have choices, I was able to think ahead and have stock on hand.  

I have had some odd dinners this year just a bunch of sliced turkey or whatever.  So I am proud of myself for having good food.  

The cats are good, Baby Girl got up with me during my God Time and we had a good time.  I think it is important to spend at least one day a week with the cats.  They were used to having Ron 24/7 and I work a lot, well gone a lot for work (transit time is a lot).  She enjoyed laying next to me, I did too, my love language is quality time and that is exactly what we were both getting.  

It rained last night so I didn't need to water my plants.  The catnip got a little squashed some cat found it.  But that was the point.  I have been warned it, and the mint, will want to take over the garden bed.  I am OK with that and honestly I think the cats will keep the catnip in line.  The only other thing in the bed is a massive jasmine plant growing up the side of my house.  I planted a little one gallon plant back in 2009 after Frosty died, it is almost all the way up to my roof.  So they can figure it all out.  I like the idea of scented plants at the front door, Ron was always afraid to do that and called them "Bee Food".  You can imagine a blind person didn't like flying, stinging, insects.  

But I can do it how I want now.  I am not going to go crazy gardening but I may put out a few pots of greens near the front door so I can just trim some for dinner/shakes.  That might be nice.  But I have plenty of time to think about it.  

I washed the sheets.  A little back story on them, when asked I told my parents I could use a new set of sheets for the bed.  I forgot all about it and they gave me a set for my birthday.  They are really nice.  But my cycle is due so I took the good sheets off the bed, washed them, and put the cheap poly blend sheets on the bed.  I would hate to bleed all over my nice sheets.  Once I finish that I will be done with chores for the day.  

I am also looking at soap online. I am very picky about soap.  I want a nice hard bar with a good lather.  I will do a stock up run online and then get them sometime next week.  

That's it for now.  

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