Tuesday, October 12, 2021


 I slept OK last night and it is turning out to be a nice and sunny day.  I am having some trouble logging back into my work app but other than that a good day.  

VERY pleased I did the full God Time thing again today.  I don't want to talk too much about it because then where's the humility?  God knows what I do.  I will say I do prayer and Bible study.  That's enough.  I am watching my fireman TV show today.  I got a good shower and even shaved my legs.  I don't have to do them daily because I wear long jeans for work and they were reminding me of when I started cacti from seed, the bristles.  I would love to grow some cacti again but worry my hand tremor would make that difficult.   

But I think about it.  It would be fun.  I did it about 30 years ago it was a lot of fun.  I even had the Ortho book of cacti and succulents it was a huge encyclopedia how to grow.  Here it is, a great book:  Ortho book of Cacti and Succulents

I may look into getting a seed packet, I can keep it in the fridge.  

I tried the app again, did everything I did earlier, prayed a lot, God got it going.  Thank Him I would hate to work without it (logging in and out at personnel computer vs. cell phone, also check schedule and such).  But He got me the way he always does.  In an ideal world I would be in therapy and get biofeedback or something to help retrain my hands not to tremor when I'm stressed.  This is all a lot worse since Ron died.  I don't cry, I shake.  We all grieve differently.  

At least I am sleeping OK now.  I worried about that.  Torbie is good, I got depressed over her yesterday she just looked so thin and feeble, but today she is chasing ice cubes around the kitchen, walking on my keyboard, etc.  

Some days Biscuit will lay on the towel outside the shower enclosure, I put it on the floor so I don't slip on the tile.  Embarrassed to admit I fell a lot on wet tile the first month we had the house.  I am OK now as long as I know it is wet.  

Growing up in the north I learned to walk on the ice pretty early, it is very similar.  I can see why orthopedic surgeons do so well up there, I fell on a regular basis as a child.  Of course kids' bones are made of rubber so I was fine.  I am VERY glad my Dad and adoptive Mom live where it is warm, my aunt and uncle as well.  I would not want to worry about them on ice.  

In an ideal world I would prep a bag of old style cat litter to sprinkle on ice should we have another weather event.  But if it was that bad the store would likely close.  

But I don't want to think about work today.  It is a nice and sunny day.  The cats are good.  My family is all OK.  God got me back on the app.  

That was funny though, so a couple days ago at work I pull my phone out of my pocket and it says all my log in attempts (for the app) have failed; I have to log in again and set up a new pin.  

I had used my standard pin when I set it up.  So I would have to do a new one.  I figured 4 of the same number would be easy.  But first I had to log in; and that took a few attempts and a lot of stress.  So I got in and it wants my new pin.  

OK I think I did 6666.  "Sorry cannot do same number".  Well, crap.  I wanted something easy and it couldn't be the same pin, I knew that.  So I did 1234.  "Can't be sequential numbers"  AGH!  I figured something out.  You have to reenter it now.  So I did that again.  Hands are all over the place....come on Lord hold me...got it in and then bam home screen.  You are not scheduled for the day.  PRAISE GOD.  I kid you not, the app is the worst part of my job.  Well me trying to log into it with my hands freaking out...it's comical at best.  

But enough about that.  I still don't know what I will do for my big meal today.  I have a couple of options.  I do plan to take a nap.  

That's it for now.  

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