Monday, October 25, 2021

Monday afternoon

 My aunt came, we headed out to the thrift shop.  Not busy.  Immediately I started finding cute stuff.  The fitting room was not open but we found a corner, I took my shoes off, and tried jeans on over my leggings.  I walked out of there with 5 pair.  Two that fit now, two to fit later, and one that may be a while fitting but was only $3 so I snagged it.  

I also got a nice mauve gauzy scarf/wrap nice to wear to dress something up, a cute purple lace knit beanie, a DVD (The Stand), and a paperback romance novel all for $44.  

I show off the clothes here: 

This thrift shop does have a problem with a stale aroma on the clothes so I bought some gain later and am washing the darks in that right now.  

I have 3 new jeans, one I bought at Walmart for $9 and then the two I bought at the thrift shop for $9.  One dark blue, two black.  I will be drying the load with the cat hair preventer dryer sheets.  

I will wash the purple jeans tomorrow. I got a storage box for the smaller stuff to live in.  That way I have something to size down to.  I have found it is motivating to know I have cute new stuff when I lose weight.  And today's whole haul was $44.  You can't beat that.  

My aunt scored half a dozen Disney videos for the grand kids.  She was pretty happy and most of them were the color of the day and thus half off.  I felt great about that I like her to get something too.  Not just always "for Heather" although she is a real Christian about it.  

We got some lunch and then hit Walmart.  I got the one pair of No Boundaries size 21 bootcut jeans I had been considering.  I also got some gain laundry packs because the thrift store smell can be hard to shake.  The tide free and clear wasn't going to cut it.  I got my groceries, a little soda, some drink mix.  2 cartons of vanilla soy milk.  I got some peanut butter crackers I plan to see if those will work for me tonight.  I plan to eat a package (they are preportioned) and see if they give me a headache.  If they don't I will be set with a new, affordable, snack.  

I think I will go eat them now.   Done.  I am just not very hungry today.  Don't get me wrong I ate my lunch but not starving today.  But it should be "enough" for the medication.  

That's it for now.  

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