Monday, March 11, 2024

Very pleased

 To announce I brought and ate a low carb lunch today: sausage and cheese.  I only got a break today but still had time to eat it and then come here.

No chips, no prepared food, no "usual" at the deli or McDonald's.  Just sausage and cheese in a plastic container.  I plan to eat my salad at home tonight.  

The goal is low carb + more vegetables.  


Anonymous said...

Will you allow yourself one daily meal with moderate carbs?
That really works for me.
Not ice cream or cake, but I allow myself a bun on my burger or maybe a few fries.

Heather Knits said...

I like having something like raisin bran or plain shredded wheat when I get home from work so I plan to go with that. Not the "sugar pops" type cereal that is candy in a bowl but more whole grains with plenty of fiber.