Friday, March 29, 2024

Friday morning

  I mostly slept OK last night but I had eaten some sugar free cookies after work and the sugar alcohols had me very bloated and gassy all night.  Happily I remembered my chewable gas pills so I got into those and went back to sleep.  When I woke up all the bloat was gone but I must have been farting all night!   Poor Biscuit!  

It is nice to start at 2 as I get to sleep in until 7 in the morning instead of getting up at 2 or 3.  I need to take a shower, do my God Time, get dressed, fix my breakfast and lunch.  Work is only 6 hours so that's good but I will likely have the boss the whole time.  

She was stressed last night as we were getting "a visit" from corporate this morning and that always gets her agitated.  They can fire her at the drop of the hat so she takes that very seriously.  

For once with my budget I am logging everything as I spend it, not one of those apps but a basic notepad app (Google Docs).  I need to take my index cards to work and write up the "Praying for you" cards for the Bible Handout tomorrow.  

Ace takes great pride in being a good driver so I know he'll be there tonight.  That was really cute seeing him with Biscuit, Biscuit cheered him right up.  Cats do that.  

They are also a little bit evil and will love on people who are afraid of them.  I have had that happen a few times.  

I need to figure out my lunch, I plan to take the last of my rotisserie chicken to work today and then cook up the bones tonight for some stock.  I can make some good veggie soup - I don't mind a few fresh veggie carbs it's the french fries, hamburger buns, breading, and macaroni and cheese I need to cut.  

All in all I feel like it will be a pretty good day.  

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