Sunday, March 24, 2024

This is very sad but not my cats

 I have watched a black cat and an orange cat live in a neighbor's garage.  For some reason the neighbor won't put the door down all the way so the cats hang out in there.  So 2 of them were living in there; the men who live there are very angry about that and I have seen them hurting the cats.  

The orange cat has been very friendly with me, rubbing up against my leg and greeting me.  

A couple months ago the black one was run over, I saw the body on my way to work one day.  The men wouldn't even put the body in a trash can and the buzzards got it.  

Biscuit has been doing Mortal Battle with another cat coming around the cat door lately.  It happened this morning.  I opened the curtain and it was the poor orange baby trying to get in.  It's about 9 months old, skinny, "ticked tabby" orange, mostly orange.  80% chance it is a boy.  

All my cats are very upset so he's not coming to live with me, but it hurts my heart that this poor boy (?) wants to.  

I told my family about this, figured they could pray for me to be strong and someone else to have mercy on this cat.  Side note, I didn't get Spotty fixed (finances) until he was almost a year old so they could be related (grandson or great grandson).  Dad was pretty upset I think he thought I wanted it.  I don't, I just want it to have a good home, but I can't even trap it because my cats run it off the second they see it.  I have a bad feeling it won't have a good end.  

It's sad.  

I have a bad headache today probably due to severe weather coming in tonight/tomorrow.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Why won't God help that poor cat? If you call a local TNR in your area or contact a rescue they may be able to send someone out to trap the cat for you and relocate it away from those 2 evil bastards. At least TRY and do something instead of just saying how hopeless it is or don't even bother mentioning things like this because it is very upsetting to read.

Heather Knits said...

I will try to call a place on my lunch today.

Heather Knits said...

He came by again this morning. Biscuit went out to see him but did not yell at him.