Sunday, March 3, 2024

And yet, more cleaning

 It is weird I am not manic this is what normal people must do "Oh the floor is awful I need to sweep and mop"  

So I did that.  This is what the mop water looked like when I finished.  

The floor looks great.  The tape on the floor under my foot?  Ron and I were bickering one day over the placement of my favorite chair and he said "How about this?" and moved the chair where he liked.  I was OK with it.  "OK" he said "Let's mark it" and he got the duct tape.  We had a deal if it was between the tape and the wall he could move it back.  It worked very well and it is a good rule of thumb anyway.  I moved that chair into the Bible room so I could have a more comfortable God Time.  

At some point I plan to get another "Pello" chair for the front room but for now I put my bags there.  Not a lot of room up here.  

I also cleaned the toilet.  I have hard water and hate scrubbing those minerals!  Last time I overdid it scrubbing.  

I don't know if it's just me but a lot of times I have the ability to tune out pain so I didn't realize I had hurt the muscles in my hand scrubbing so hard until the next week when I could barely lift a glass of water to my mouth.  I had a heck of a time doing my job!  Another time at work I did the same thing to the left hand carrying a portable printer in my left hand all night.  

So I was careful to baby my hand.  

Tomorrow's only five and a half hours.  I am looking forward to that.  What they are doing is cutting my hours in the early week and then adding it on and then some at the end of the week.  It makes sense. 

I just hate getting up at 3 AM Monday to get ready for work; but every time I take the bus to work I save $19 and reach people I would normally never have met.  That is worth it to me but getting to sleep in an extra half hour?  Getting home an hour early?  I will take it!  

And I'm caught up on the laundry and I put everything up.  I even washed the bedding in a rare moment when the cats left it unguarded.  

I might try taking a nap now.   

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