Saturday, March 16, 2024

Ok there were 6 comments, 4 of them rude, different people.

 So I'm just deleting the whole set.  

I don't just "ride to work" I hand out evangelism material going and coming every day.  With very few exceptions (mainly to drivers) it is very well received.  That's job #1 and what I do four hours a day.  

If it was just getting on one of those buses at some filthy stop with a gacked out guy who hasn't bathed in a year - of course I'm going to try and get away from that.  But it's not.  I'm doing more than that.  

I do get feedback which I don't share - when I get it, which isn't often, it is very positive.  So I'm having an impact doing this.  

And as some are so quick to point out, it's not like I have anyone waiting for me at home.  

What I do for Walmart pays the bills, whatever that is.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

So what are you going to do about being scheduled with NO days off? You can't keep calling out. When are you going to talk to the manager about this situation?

Anonymous said...

You like to bitch but don't want actual solutions. I get it you are sacrificing for Jesus. LOL.

Heather Knits said...

You don't have to like what I do. You don't have to respect it. But I place Jesus on the throne of my life and I hope everything I do serves that, including the candy.

Hateful comments will be deleted. And I think you come here and read because 1. You are interested in what God is doing with my life and 2. You are drawn to a person of faith because deep down you know you're missing Him.

I just have one request, please get yourself a hardcopy (paperback, but a Bible you can hold in your hand) Bible before the Rapture. They will be impossible to obtain after and the ones they do publish will be altered. Bible Gateway is great but I am sure that is going DOWN. Just get it to humor me. Used to be you could get a cheap Bible at Barnes and Noble for $5. Just stick it in a drawer. You will know when it is time to read it.

I envision that has happened with many of the Bibles I have handed out. They are just sitting on the shelf waiting for action. You will know.

Heather Knits said...

I do like to bitch, I don't need anyone fixing my problems unless you want to help me tackle that kitchen cabinet LOL.

Legally they can work me like this as long as I get 2 days off every fiscal week (starts Saturday and ends Friday. They can work me 9 days, 2 days off (did that last summer during tax free weekend when they stupidly let someone take the week off), then work me a day or so and then 2 more days off. It isn't right, it isn't fair.

Also my cover letter when I applied said I would be their bitch (paraphrased).

They don't dare run up against the labor board so they will keep doing it like this - and my next scheduled week is very fair once I get through this.

Anonymous said...

Dollar Tree has Bibles for $1.25. And I know that no man knows the day or the hour but I think we are closer to the Rapture than we realize

Anonymous said...

Yeah if you were given help with your kitchen cabinet you still wouldn't get it taken care of. It's just your personality.

Heather Knits said...

Oh it's empty I just need to figure out what kind of storage thingie I need in there. Something cheap.

DOLLAR TREE HAS BIBLES people! Good point. When the looting starts people won't be going there.

The store can work me 8-9 days in a row as long as it lines up with the fiscal week. Cheap corporate accounting tricks.