Sunday, March 17, 2024

I weighed my options

 Probability of getting a lunch at 6, slim.  So I asked for and got my lunch 2 hours in.  I can sacrifice a break if it doesn't work out but I'm required by law to take a lunch 

I ran into a Postal Worker who asked me how Ron was doing.  I told the guy Ron died and he said "Oh yeah I heard" 

I don't think I'll ever be done with that.  

We had the nice boss today which was refreshing.  I worked with someone I consider a friend but she is a vicious gossip.  I shudder to think what she says about me behind my back and I'm sure she's talking.  She had a lot to say about the one boss I won't repeat.

I am debating cutting my hair short.  Adoptive Mom is concerned it may look bad as it's thin on top 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why would the postal worker as your how Ron is doing and then when you tell him he's dead, he says, "Oh Yeah I heard."