Monday, September 11, 2023

Up and at 'em

 I have not slept well recently I think it goes to caffeine intake.  I will go easy on the iced tea today.  

I need to shave my legs today; while I wear long jeans every day for work and it "shouldn't" matter if I have stubble the compression socks are very uncomfortable if I am not clean shaven. 

I woke up a couple times in the middle of the night one time I was wondering "Does my plane really come/go from Bush or did they do Hobby by mistake?"  So I got up and looked, it is Bush. 

I am going to get going on my shower.  I like to pray in the shower I think it starts the day right; then do my God Time, make my breakfast (a protein shake), get dressed, and do up my candy. Which is why I do get up at least 3 hours before I have to leave every day.  

Interesting, it is 9/11 and all the Bible study was on spiritual warfare and God's judgement. Biscuit got up in my lap while I was reading and praying. 

After, I found out that Cleo likes the poultry flavor party mix treats so I will get a big bag for my cat sitter. I want them to think "Oh boy, she's here!" not "Oh no!" run and hide. I don't give them treats normally but I will bend my rules.  

I need to get dressed so that's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

9/11 did not happen because of God's judgement. People who think that are seriously messed up.

Heather Knits said...

Im not saying that. I personally believe God took His hand off us when we as a nation turned from him and 9/11 was the response. Also a lot of human error things were allowed that are not, now.

My devotionals and daily Bible readings focused on The Day Of The Lord (Judgement Day yet to come), being a good soldier for Christ, etc. The one devotional that was written after 9/11 focused on being joyful.