Friday, September 1, 2023

I am glad I am old and fat

 I think I mentioned a manager has a love child with one of my coworkers.  He was "after" another associate in front of me the other day and then chasing 2 more today.  


But he didn't bother me.  I have gray hair and I'm "fat".  

That can be a good thing, although I'd report his ass to ethics so fast his head would spin.

Please pray for the mother of his child.  And for him to repent.


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Stay away from him and don't gossip about him with any coworkers. If he bothers you, definitely report him. Ugh. So terrible.

Heather Knits said...

Yeah one of my older and very savvy coworkers warned me to keep clear. Not that he is interested he made that very clear.

But upper management knows he is "a dog" and will deal with him.