Tuesday, September 5, 2023

God may have been working me up to this for a while

 The pastor on Sunday at one point said alcoholics go to hell.  

And I have been thinking about it.  As we all know I had Stockholm Syndrome with Ron and I wouldn't hear a word against him for a very long time.  It took an awful domestic violence murder to make me realize Ron was an abuser, the killer said "You made me do this"while he was killing her and I could see Ron doing that.  And looking back on his behavior toward me I could only classify it as abuse. 

Did he have any fruits of the spirit?  Not really. He talked the talk but did not walk the walk. He never read his Bible, listened to sermons, or prayed unless he wanted something.  He never sought God's will, he did his own thing and asked for God's blessing on it. At times he could be a nice enough guy but nice guy doesn't get you into heaven, and what about the times he kept me up all night screaming verbal abuse and beating  me?  I shouldn't have had to be afraid of my own husband.  

So I could see him going to hell.  That may sound awful but there it is.  No one earns their way to heaven and I just don't think Ron made Jesus Lord of his life.  He wanted salvation but he did not want surrender. 

Something to think about.  

I slept pretty well last night.  When I got an iced coffee after work I asked them to make it half-caf and they did. I could tell because I got tired around 7 and went to bed right after talking to Dad, went right to sleep as well. I woke up a few times but not as much.  

The cats are not sleeping with me I think it is too hot for them. But they will love me in the winter. My legs did feel better for wearing the compression socks. If they hold up I will put up a link for you.  They are really pretty and girly which is really nice. 

My tote bag is ripped so I had to find a new one today. I like reusable bags so I did find one in my stash.  I am very hard on my bags none of them last long. My backpack has a strap that's ripping but it still works, and I put a new backpack (purple!) on my birthday wish list which I sent to my family. Not only that I mentioned I could really use a new backpack to my aunt - she will pass that along.  The bag is only $30 so I don't feel bad asking for it and she said I should wait and allow someone to gift it rather than buying it for myself.  So I have a hot pink/dark pink tote bag today for my lunch bag and candy. I don't have a lunch I will get something at work but I plan to buy some more sausage today after work.  

Something AWFUL happened this weekend. I had bought 2.5 pounds of the Bo Jackson mild link sausage. I love it that much. I had also bought half a pound of their beef link sausage for a co worker who "doesn't do pork" (not religious). 

This weekend I took out the bag with ALL the sausage and set it on the counter, took the beef and put it in the freezer and left the other 2.5 pounds sitting on the counter all night and half the next day. So I can't eat that. What a loss.  Not so much the money but the deliciousness.  

But my friend did get the beef sausage yesterday and I know she will love it. 

I plan to get more sausage after work.  

I need to take my shower.  

All done, pretty much ready to go.  That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

So now you are buying food for co-workers. Seriously you need to get a clue. I know you have a needy desire for peopla to like you but tjis is over the top even for you.

Anonymous said...

Tell that preacher to suck it. One never knows what addictions they will have when they try something. It's the same with drugs. Some people become hooked after the first time others can take it or leave it. You have an addiction to food and wanting people to like you. Are you going to hell? And rons near death experience discredits that preachers take on heaven and hell.

Heather Knits said...

Oh the sausage? People at other jobs have brought me sausage. It was only $2 worth. She bought me a $3 clearance hoodie as a thank you.

It has been my experience people generally give far more than they take.

About Ron I honestly don't know. I will find out one day.

Anonymous said...

Ron is in God's hands. We don't know someone's true heart and God's grace covers a lot. Ron could have sincerely called on Jesus to be his Savior during the last few minutes of his life. You did the best you could to be a good witness to him and show him love in a bad situation. You never know what seeds you planted in his heart. As you said, you will know some day where Ron is. I hope that he called on Jesus to save him for eternity before he passed.

Anonymous said...

Take it up with God, not Heather. It's in the bible.

Anonymous said...

The preacher had the courage to preach ALL of God's word, not dance around the uncomfortable verses.