Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thursday morning

 Headache moved off long enough for me to sleep but came back.  80% chance of rain today driving that I think. Good news I shouldn't see much of mean boss assuming she even works today.  

I had a nice cuddle with Cleo last night.  She is a very sweet little girl, still shy but very cute.  She likes to prance around on my chest in the middle of the night.  She is also starting to approach me when I am on the computer, for pets.  

I didn't get my backpack yet but they said today. I think my old one can hold up for another day.  

I got some fat pants out of the garage and will see which ones work for me.  What I am wearing now is already uncomfortable and Dad likes to "spoil" me by feeding me decadent carbs.  So I will need a little room to expand (I can lose it when I get back). 

Oh I feel terrible.  I'm going to take a shower and see if that helps.  

I have some instant ginger tea packets they have sugar and ginger I made some and will drink that when it cools down.  I also made some regular tea, hoping something sticks to the headache.  

I need to get that shower. It is overcast but not really "thunderheads".  So I don't know if/when it's going to rain just that my phone says 80% today and I CAN'T BEAT THIS HEADACHE.  

But in my opinion the nights are easier than the days so I have that to look forward to. 

Done with the shower and God time.  I had Cleo and Biscuit with me during that him in my lap.  Cleo is very intrigued with the concept of getting in my lap.  All in good time.  She has stood in my lap but not laid down.  

It is time for more Excedrin so I took that.  Hopefully that will get me to work at least.  

After I finish my shake I am going to lie down for a little bit and then finish getting ready.  That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Why can't you just eat normal portions? I doubt you will gain 20 pounds in a week. If you do, you have issues and so does your dad.

Heather Knits said...

I never said I planned to gain 20 pounds. I am not wearing tight pants out there that will be a really bad look.