Friday, September 29, 2023

Friday morning

 I didn't bleed last night so it may be like the cycle I had this past summer, one day the cup was full and then nothing.  I'm still wearing the cup (I plan to wear the cup daily until I have hit exactly one year without a period) and the period underwear I got for $2 on clearance a few months back.  

It's been 3 months since my last cycle.  I am so glad I did not have this in CA because I forgot my cup, and Mom had a lovely handmade quilt on the guest bed along with perfect white sheets.  It would have been catastrophic.  When I get up from my chair I am going to put one of my extra cups in my travel bag.  It has various things I need to travel, in it. 

So tomorrow Mom goes to Florida to see her Mom, who is not doing well.  Grandma is 102 so it is expected but I imagine still plenty of issues.  She has already outlived one of her children.  

I will be praying for Mom (and one of my sisters) to have a good trip out there. 

I need to take my shower.  Did that, did my God Time.  Spotty got up when I was reading my tablet and "helped", then curled up in my lap for a while while I read.  Then he got down and Biscuit got up.  It was a very nice start to the day but has me wondering what horrible thing is going to happen that I need to much love from the outset?  

I am drinking my protein shake, then get dressed, do up my candy for the day and make a sandwich for lunch.  That's all done; did up my candy too.  

I did forget my medication for dinner so I will do that now.  That's done.  Last night I was a depressed wreck WISHING I had it with me.  I think I'll be OK tonight 

I did put one of my extra cups in the travel bag.  

I am led to pray for Mom and her trip so I will be doing that.  The plan is to get up early about 7 AM my time 5 her time because her plane leaves at 6.  Then pray for her until I hear she lands.  I just feel led to do this.  

I also need to pay the flood insurance (Ron always called it the "Blood" insurance) this weekend.  That's it for now.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am praying for your Mom and Grandma, and all of your family. It is difficult to go through this at any age. I hope it will be as peaceful as possible for everyone (whenever it happens).