Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The first day I really felt like going home sick

 I have friends all over the store and the lady in grocery told me about the Snickers markdown.  So I got some nice 8 ounce bags for $2.50 each.  

[I can't eat chocolate due to violent, week-long, vomiting migraines but I like to see other people eat it]

So I passed some out at work (one co worker screamed with joy), put the rest in the freezer, and handed those out to my drivers on the way home.  You have never seen such happy drivers. I had already given them both several Gospel things each so I felt fine giving it without today.  

I, on the other hand, had a miserable day.  Horrible migraine all day long.  I wanted to go home but didn't want to lose pay, piss off the boss, and pay for a ride or ride 2 hours on the bus.  I drank a cold lemonade on my lunch along with a Gatorade and that helped.  I managed to get home OK, lay down for a while, headache came back!  I got up and took some Excedrin and I am feeling OK now but wondering how I am going to sleep after all that Excedrin.  

My backpack is falling apart so I went ahead and ordered one today which is supposed to come tonight.  I am excited to get it. I really need it I haven't had a backpack like this in a while - even homeless people have better bags!  

I may just go to bed and pick up the bag tomorrow although I am hoping to get it before I go to bed tonight.  I want to do a test spot with my waterproofing spray.  If it works then spray it down tomorrow before work and leave it in the garage to cure while I'm at work.  

I'm going to bed early.  Later, taters.  

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