Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Early Tuesday

 I slept OK until midnight when I woke up with a headache.  I still have it even after the Excedrin and hoping a hot shower will help. 

I took a peek on the app and my pay looks good coming up.  I should be OK even after paying the bills. That is good because I want to be able to buy candy when I'm out there, and airport food if warranted, maybe pay extra for the early seating on the plane. 

Only 6 more days of work. 

I am debating taking my antidepressant now as it can aggravate headaches but I don't want to take a chance of having a Bad Day.  I went ahead and took it. 

I need to change the filter on my water pitcher so I am doing that.  It doesn't purify the water but it helps and the cats like the filtered water.  I need to get more filters. They aren't much about $10 each in a 3 pack. 

Work has been a little tense our team leads have been agitating for us to fill out a survey.  They didn't tell us (I found out on my own) but if it is favorable they get bonuses. I have tried to do it on my phone a few times and it hasn't worked.  Eventually I think they will call me back to personnel to take the "anonymous" survey.  

  1. I don't think it's anonymous.  
So, what do I say?  I see 3 options.  
  1. Tell them the unvarnished truth how they are reluctant to give breaks and lunches, encourage people to work off the clock,  Terrible management overall.  Who gives unwanted hair style advice?  My boss, that's who.  
  2. Tell them modified truth.  I am leaning towards this - on a 1-5 maybe give them a 4. 3 on some issues. (On a side note one of the bosses brought in donuts, then encouraged us to take the survey!)
  3. Lie and tell them what they want to hear, because nothing will change anyway.  Bonus on that since it is not anonymous I will look better. 
We'll see if it comes up today. 

Head is better, glad I took the antidepressant. Going to take my shower. 

 On my way out I am making a mental note here to do a blog on the red flags I saw with Ron when we first met, and how I talked myself into ignoring them.  There were a lot but I had no one to talk to and didn't think they "mattered".  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Wal-Mart in-store bosses. I have known a few in my life, and they all got very burned out and eventually left to work elsewhere. It seems to me that corporate has very unrealistic expectations and the store management gets picked at endlessly. I know it's no treat to be an associate either.

The bosses will feel the wrath from the surveys even though most of the problems come from stupid corporate policies. If you really feel it is not anonymous, I would give modified truth. Why cause any trouble for yourself?

Heather Knits said...

It hasn't come up yet but that's what I'll do if it does.