Friday, September 1, 2023

Friday morning.

 I slept OK last night I just kept waking up. 

My boss took the weekend off as she is going to have a hard couple days personally. I am going to send her a text with encouraging Bible verses.  

Last night was very interesting; she was talking to one of her snitches who also happens to be a good friend of mine.  We have never done anything outside of work but I text her cute Biscuit photos and she tells me he's cute, that sort of thing.  My friend told me she was very interested in making me full time and interested to hear I am hard working, have a good work ethic, agreeable, do whatever needs doing, don't have an attitude, etc.  The boss herself spoke to me about making me full time and said she would look at my availability.   I have myself down for basically 12 hours a day 7 days a week so I think they can work with that. 

Now I won't make more money because I will have to pay for rides home but I will have medical coverage.  Dad has been worried sick about that.  

Dad fixed my reservation so I have a ride out to CA that is important.  I was going to get my bottled water, etc. at work last night and bring it home with Jack but my aunt said not to worry about that they would help me Saturday.  I also really want to get rid of these old shoes (donate).  They are in pretty good shape but I baby my feet and if I start getting twingey I retire them. 

I think the house is OK. I got out the good toilet paper. I need to figure out breakfast, though, before I take my shower. 

 I had some evangelism glitches today; didn't budget enough time for my Bible study, forgot to send in the renewal card for "Daily Bread", and ran out of quart zip locks so I couldn't hand out Bible Promise books today  I did do up several tracts in sandwich baggies with candy. 

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

Would you have a more regular schedule if you were full time or still random?

Heather Knits said...

Yes, a regular schedule. They call it the "teaming" schedule. I would work weekends I'm sure but I like having 2 weekdays off anyway. Its quieter.