Thursday, December 29, 2022

Thursday morning

 On my day off I met "the driver" I have ridden with him before a few times, he always seems very interested and happy to see me, asks a lot of questions, smiles a lot when talking to me. I thought he was in his late 20's but seems more like late 30's early 40's. Younger than me but doable. At any rate he was disappointed when I got off and asked me when I rode. I told him it varies due to my schedule.  

Yesterday my boss called me while I was on my way in to work asking me to start early, so I did, 2 hours.  I worked it so I was just under 6 hours total and did not need a lunch.  I got out to the bus stop as early as possible but I missed the early bus, I had to wait 15 minutes. 

And I realized this driver who seems to like me leaves the transit center at 6:30 and I would likely be seeing him again. And I did, he was thrilled. I stood up front so we could talk and boy did he. He told me his name (Rudy) and got mine. I told him a little about my life with Ron and he said he is doing a little vending machines on the side (I know a bus driver starts at about 48K, but after taxes and cost of living for most that is not a lot). 

Now, he seems a little "early" on the faith walk and I don't know his attitude on drinking either which is important. I don't know if he smokes. He did say he is a little uncertain about cats. 

So I called my aunt to tell her about this and she said she met the perfect man for me at the skin cancer doctor. He sounded great but he lives hundreds of miles away. We thought it was interesting God was dropping "suitable" men 

I have thought for a while the ideal guy for me would be someone who takes care of a feral colony but does not have any cats of his own. If he has cats and I do merging them would be very difficult. I saw that with Torbie and Baby Girl.  But I would want him to like cats. How is that for a request?  😂  Or maybe like Rudy just doesn't have cats (yet). 

I bet if it did work out one of my cats would claim him and turn him into a cat person. That's what they do. But not thinking long term he is just a nice man to talk to on my way home. 

It is interesting he got my name. From what I hear the drivers just call me "The Candy Lady".  In fact one guy who was training got me his bus. I got on and offered him the candy. He gaped at me.  His trainer said "That's The Candy Lady, you can take it" and he did. I thought that was funny. 

Yesterday I started (well supposed to start) at 1 so I had different buses than the "start at 1:30" ones I usually take. So that was all new drivers getting candy and booklets. I go where I am sent. 

I continue to have space bar issues. I don't know if it is my typing because I changed out the keyboard. 

I will be back. 

Took my shower, did my God Time.  I had a flashback of all the times I tried to get Ron in and out of a car while I was showering and not in a hurry to sign up for that again. Although for all I know he would be the one helping me out one day. 

I need to figure out what I'm wearing today and I also need to put some lotion on my hands. My bath soap is fine for the rest of my body but leaves me with very dry hands. I also need to find some liquid soap.  

Years ago Ron used to use the Walmart Milk and Honey liquid soap in the bath as body wash.  He loved it. So I bought a couple big jugs. Then he couldn't take a bath safely any more. I liked other hand soap so the jugs just sat under the sink. Then COVID and no one had soap except me under my sink, so I started using them.  After he died I couldn't part with them remembering him in the bath.  But it is GUMMY.  It DOESN'T LATHER.  So I need to throw it out and get something else. Something without a high fragrance because scent can be a huge migraine trigger for my aunt. 

Got my lunch packed;chicken in red wine sauce for lunch and dinner. I hope I like it. I am wearing one of my new watches I got with my gift card (it was an assortment of various colors for a reasonable price).  The interesting thing for me I have it on the smallest size and it just barely fits. I never would have thought that would be a problem. But it's cute,and it does fit. 

I need to bag up some candy. Only 4 bags today as I am getting a ride home from work tonight.  Yesterday was a long day riding in,working,and then riding another 2 hours back home. But I did it and I felt OK coming home 7 PM.  And as Dad always says it will only be getting lighter from here on. 

There are grandmother complications so Dad is flying out to help my Mom. He is worried she will burn herself out.  

Kind of depressed today I hope I can pull out of it.  I always work hard even when depressed but before/after I clock in sucks. I still need to do my hand lotion. 

That's it for now. 

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