Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sunday evening

 Work was very busy but my boss did give me a compliment.  Coming from her that is significant.  

I realized something about some of my coworkers, they were bothering me and I finally narrowed it down.  They complain a lot.  They are ungrateful.  Take it from me, you have to value the good things in your life, a person or  pet who loves you, good health, etc.  There is always something you can find.  

My bus was late which meant I had to come home in the dark, half an hour later than I would have liked, but I had a ride home.  For a minute at the bus stop I had thought I lost my bus pass so I was very happy to find that.  

My aunt may be coming to visit tomorrow that will be nice.  I need to clean up the house anyway so I can do that in the morning.  

That's it for now.  

Be grateful.  Tell someone why you appreciate them.  Give your pet the extra treat and petting.  

That's all.  

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