Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Early Wednesday

 I am on some message boards in addition to the blog, and Facebook.  One board had a question if you could get any one thing for Christmas, for yourself, what would you get.  

Having just heard about lead-contaminated water at a subdivision not far away I said one of those filtering water pitchers.  Wasn't I shocked when someone sent me money for one, which I promptly bought!  I had enough to get one pitcher (with filter) and 3 extra filters so that should hold me for a year and a half or so.  And the refill pack is about 3 for $35.  The pitcher does get lead, mercury, and chlorine in addition to other nasties.  

After it was on the way I thought how much Biscuit enjoyed drinking bottled water during our boil water notice.  I will definitely be filtering their water but not sure what the sponsor would think about  that!  So this is a great gift for me AND the cats.  

Not sure if they intended it for the cats, though, not sure if I should mention it to them...

Last night I heard one of my neighbors, in #2, taking out his trash and I realized, oh, yeah, trash day tomorrow.  I went out and got my trash too (recycle was OK).  I smiled at him, a nice man in dreadlocks, and thanked him for "reminding" me.  He laughed and said he always remembers when he sees my trash at the curb.  I told him they changed my hours and I had to work today, normally 'It's me in front of the TV watching Chicago Fire all day" and we both laughed.  He seems like a nice guy, glad to have him.  

I am proud of myself for living in a diverse neighborhood with Asians, Blacks, Latinos, and then we whites are in the minority actually.  

I got the electric bill, $50, which is pretty much my flat rate during the winter.  Have not gotten gas bill yet.  We will see what it is.  I don't think it's much, maybe $80.  It ran some (gas heater) but not a whole lot, and of course I continue to use hot water for bathing, laundry, and dishes.  

My cycle is about done which is nice.  Last month it was pretty intense which can be difficult when working.  

I need to do grocery shopping, dishes, and meal prep in that order.  If I am sitting at a table with someone at lunch I give them a mandarin orange which is very popular, so I need to get more of them.  And I have eaten some of the oranges and they are good.  I have found giving gifts is a more important love language than I would have thought, but of course I have to be careful using terms like that at work.  So I would say quality time and then gifts.  

Did I ever tell you how Ron and I used to do gifts for me at Christmas?  I would get a flash drive and get on the computer.  I would open Word Pad I think it was, the .txt document program.  I would go to my favorite websites and pick out a few items I liked on each page, write a detailed description and item number if I had one, write down the company name and 800 number.  Do that a few times.  Then Ron would shut his door and look at the list, figure out what he wanted to buy (I would put prices, too) and then call the companies and order.  One company was out of stock on something I wanted but swore I would like the substitution even better, and talked Ron into some additional items I was sure to like as well (I did).  That's a good salesman.  

Another time deep in my knitting phase he took me to Yarns 4 Ewe across town on Metrolift and gave me $100 to spend as he waited patiently in his wheelchair listening to his talking book.  I had a blast.  That way he got to feel like he got me something I wanted.  It was hard for him to get me gifts so he mainly focused on giving me rides anywhere I wanted to go (He was Acts of Service) which better fit HIS love language.  I do miss the rides...

My luck my next man will be non driving and not on Metrolift!  But if he loves me and he's the guy God sent...

I am listening to "High Hopes" on my Youtube music.  That is Cleo's song.  It always makes me cry.  It is weird.  I cry over the cats all the time, the living ones, but not the ones that died, or Ron.  Grief is a funny thing.  

But honestly Ron was suffering so much at the end I don't feel bad for that ending.  Oh and regarding suffering: my step grandmother had COVID, had a UTI, has pneumonia last I heard, but has rallied enough they are sending her to rehab now.  If my adoptive Mom is anything like her Mom I will have her a long time.  Her daughter, my stepsister, will take care of her though I am sure.  I mean I really can't do much non driving and all.  

Oh stupid taxes.  I made $40 less than I thought.  Boy I had a good little tantrum t here.  $40 can buy a lot.  But I am grateful for the $650 don't get me wrong.  

I need to find out how much I have in savings.  Property tax is $2,800 which is not much considering but it's a lot when you're making $12 an hour take home.  Not asking for money, I have it, or most of it, right now, and I have weeks and weeks of paychecks before the most of it is due (HOA fee of $400 due on Jan 1, the rest January 31).  

Someone at work told me a rumor we are going up to $15 an hour which would be greatly appreciated.  I know my boss interviewed a candidate she liked a lot but when they found out the pay they said "That's not enough" and walked out.  Boss was not happy about that but what can you do?  People have rent - which has gotten really crazy, hard to find something below $1000 a month for something bare bones and decent, car expenses, daycare, etc.  Worst case I will go to a community center and apply for Medicaid and food stamps.  I am just unclear whether the house and my modest savings (for property tax and homeowner's insurance) would bar me or not.  I will find out one day. 

That's it for now.  Nothing good on TV today so hopefully I will get out earlier.  I need to talk to my aunt first, though.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Makes sense why the world is such a terrible place if god is playing match maker. He did a terrible job picking Ron for you maybe satan would find you a more suitable husband. I mean if a supposed god fearing serial cheater, drunk, verbal abuser and almost physical abuser is gods pick for you the devil can't be any worse.

Heather Knits said...

I picked Ron. I believe we could have had a much better marriage if we had waited on moving in for a few years, but I felt my family situation made it untenable. So that's on me.

For now I am happy being single. Not in a hurry or wishing for someone to come along and "save" me. But a lot of people who lose a spouse remarry quickly. I didn't want to jump into the fire so I made my 5 year rule. Almost 2 years in and OK just being me.

Heather Knits said...

Oh and Ron did hit me a few times when drinking. I learned to stay out of his way when the bottle came out.

Another reason I am not in a hurry to get involved.