Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Had a hard time getting started today

I didn't notice Jack was on the phone (speaker) when I got in I asked him if the dogs were gone.  An irate female voice asked "Who's that?!"  It was his daughter.  He said it was "Heather" and she harumphed and didn't say much until they hung up.  

One of the daughters, they are in their 20's, went through his  phone some years back and saw the calls between us, took the phone to her Mom, and accused us of having an affair.  The wife/Mom rode with us one time and all I did was talk about Ron so she laughed it off after that.  But now she is gone and I'm sure the girl thinks I am "after" him.  I.  Am.  Not.  NO interest at all.  

On either side.  Jack finds it funny.  

I don't want to add to the girls' grief but I don't see a way to reassure them without actually feeding their suspicion.  

So, I need to do dishes, I need to grocery shop (I got some stuff at work but not all), I need to prep meals.  a lot to do.  I may go to bed early we will see.  

That sounds enticing.  


Anonymous said...

You and Jack are totally getting married one day.

Heather Knits said...

I hope not his daughters hate me just as a platonic friend. And he has a pit bull who has killed cats on more than one occasion (cat was teasing the dog in the yard and the dog was faster than the cat). Gotta think about things like that.