Saturday, December 24, 2022

I turned on the water

 Very busy last night as you'd expect.  We are about cleaned out of Christmas stuff including Christmas pj's, anything Christmas really, which is good as last year we had too much stuff.  Went through a drive through on the way home.  Jack was happy to do it as I got a Happy Meal for his grandson, who was in the car.  He's a cute little kid.  

Talked to Mom and Dad for an  hour, she is going back home next week.  She is ready to go.  Dad is ready to get her back.  He has been really gracious about it though.  I am sure he never thought his MIL would still be alive over 40 years after he married Mom.  

Not sorry I spent that hour.  Went to bed, slept  pretty well.  I was "bad" and had the electric space heater running near the bed last night, but I was fine.  It is in the bathroom now warming it up for me.  

I woke up with a headache, took some Excedrin, and went back to sleep for a while.  Then I got up and turned on the water.  It was fine.  It did scare me the water heater made some noises but seems fine now.  After I get ready for the day and fill  up my water bottles I will turn it off again as it will be nasty today, too.  

I have to do this as I have no insulation in my walls/attic.  I did not know this when I bought the house; I knew the attic could use "more" but never dreamed the walls had NOTHING.  At some point when I do my siding I will have to have insulation done and that should help a lot, because the water comes from street level, through my wall up to the attic.  Then runs across the attic from front to back.  All that is basically exposed so I cut the water if it gets below about 28.  

So I will cut it today, leave it off tonight, turn it on tomorrow and should be good I believe from then on until we get another front.  

Speaking of fronts we are getting 70's and thunderstorms in a few days.  I will have some higher bills as my heater has been running a lot, and I only have it at 68.  But again no insulation.  I am surprised I do as well as I do.  I have really been OK until that horrible storm in '21 when we had stiff winds and temperatures of about 10 degrees.  That I felt in the house.  And we had no electricity half the week (off and on) so no heat that was pretty awful.  And so worried about Ron the whole time but we made it.  

This time I've had heat the whole time.  

Work should be interesting but my buddy is there.  We can give each other breaks and lunches.  That will be a big help for both of us.  

The cats are sure liking that litter box today!  😂  I am scooping it every day so they have a good place.  

Going to take my shower.   Did that.  It was a little crowded in there with the buckets of water .  I kept hearing a popping noise and realized the lid on my lowest bucket (2 buckets on top of it) was failing and cracking and it was about to dump the top 2 buckets all over.  So I had to adjust that which meant even less room.  

I did not shave my legs but I got everything washed.  I am going to cut off the water in about 15 minutes.  Then work.  

It should be interesting.  


Anonymous said...

No insulation also makes the neighbors more annoying.

Heather Knits said...

Yeah, it does. Win the lotto, insulation and new windows to block the noise. LOL