Monday, December 5, 2022

The pack of dogs

 Jack lives a few blocks away.  About half a mile if you walked it.  Yesterday when he took me to work he was shaken up.  I asked what was wrong.  He said a pack of dogs had camped out on my street, were vicious, and hassling him every time he left the house.  Jack is a mature man and not afraid of anything but he was pretty spooked.  

So I got to work and thought about it for a while, I walk past that street going home on the bus.  And I smell like cats.  I mean, not to a human but another animal can scent them.  I know the cats like to sleep on my shoes, etc.  So I was deeply concerned about walking near these dogs smelling like cats.  They were already aggressive with Jack.  

So I called my cab driver buddy and arranged a ride home.  Money well spent, I felt.  The cab driver asked how things were going and I told him, he said he would be happy for more rides from me which is good to know.  

Work was fine.  There was some interpersonal drama between some people but I wasn't there.  You have strong personalities working together it can be difficult especially during the holidays.  I have not had interpersonal drama with anyone at work since I started so I am happy about that.  I have also noticed people who have some other money coming into the household tend to be more outspoken than someone like me living off their paycheck.  One of the managers is out helping another store so that will be interesting.  

They changed my hours for tomorrow, I had been working 12-4 but they put me for 9-3.  I will take a ride into work (my last $20 LOL) and then take the bus home.  I am thinking to go to the Taco Bell after work.  I will have time before the sun sets and I won't have to worry about dinner.  

Speaking of dinner I need to do dishes and then a little cooking today so I have breakfast and lunch for tomorrow.  

My cycle is going OK I am taking Advil (except just now because I have a headache) and that helps a lot with the blood flow.  That was the other reason I was worried about the dogs they will scent that.  But the cycle is going OK.  I have plenty of supplies but will get a few more when I get paid.  After all I am still "working" so I need it.  My birth mother had cycles into her mid 50's so who knows how long I will go.  I do appreciate I still have cycles because it is a lot easier to lose weight with a functioning uterus.  

I need to think about what I would like to do tomorrow.  I would like to use the credit card to buy my Walmart groceries and pay for a ride home, then pay myself back on Wednesday when I get paid.  But I'm not crazy about using the credit card for groceries, either.  I will think about it.  It will be a pretty good check when it comes in I have been working a lot.  

I did talk to a friend at work she has a medical appointment and we may swap shifts.  I would work the morning shift and she would work the night.  That would work for both of us.  It's the same amount of hours too.  That would be a couple of weeks off.  

I do have a very nasty and persistent headache today.  I need to clean the toilet too.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

And still no concern about your cats that you let roam the neighborhood.

Heather Knits said...

You're a little snot you know that?

I don't have to justify my life to you, whoever you are, Ms Anonymous Internet poster. Reminds me of one newspaper they were getting such nasty "anonymous" comments on news articles they made people put up their real photo and full name. Suddenly all the nasty stopped. One day post your real name and I will listen. But you won't because you're a coward and a bully!

For those who don't know my cats hang out in a securely fenced backyard.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you take wonderful care of your kitties.

Anonymous said...

You GO girl! Lol

Heather Knits said...

I do have a limit. Especially when I am in physical pain. LOL