Sunday, May 5, 2019

The headache that will not die

Nasty headache won't die.  I have already taken one dose of Excedrin.  I ate a banana in case my potassium was low.  Copious amounts of diet soda. 

Now it is time for the Mountain Dew (I have a little) and the Excedrin again.  I tell you one thing, I sure don't feel like eating anything for dinner.  But I will probably, at worst, have some yogurt and my pills. 

Most times a day like this I can skip my pills, but the way things have been that would be a poor idea. 

I ate some chips, did the Mountain Dew, and took the Excedrin.  I am feeling a little better.  Also, all 3 cats are within 2 feet of me as I sit in my chair.  Baby Girl's to the right, on the other side of the exercise bike.  Torbie is in front of my feet, Biscuit is behind me.  Adorable.  They could not be cuter. 

Ron developed a theory after lying down in bed.  Normally he keeps a folded up comforter under a pillow, uses it as a wedge.  He decided to lie flat and has been yelling a lot less, he also fell asleep pretty quickly. 

I hope it's that easy. 

Now that I am feeling a little better I need to start some laundry.  I don't like to have much built up.  And I think I will go through my socks and figure out what I'm doing there. 

I don't like a big mountain of laundry when I am running depressed.  It just makes me more depressed. 

Anyway, I better get going on that.  I have to get up early tomorrow.  And Biscuit moved so I can get up easily.  He's a good boy. 

Got the laundry going, not a whole lot.  I had to get a clean pair of pants to put in the washer to balance the load. 

Oh, this headache will not quit.  I don't think I'm going to eat peanut butter for a while.  I had a couple servings yesterday. 


Anonymous said...

Who gives a crap about rons theories. Will it stop him from drinking himself to death? No. The stroke did nothing to give him pause. Next time he may lose all mobility in both hands. Then you can buy a funnel and shovel it in his mouth. If the pain pills don't work he needs to stop taking them. Of course we know you and him are both liars and will change that story about 3 or 4 times over the course of your posts. And if your dad keeps putting off your phone calls just stop calling him for a while. F--k him too.

Shiloh said...

I love how you narrate your surroundings. Much love from a special sister in Christ.

Heather Knits said...

Thanks! It is better today, which is good, as I have to work (the vending job, not caregiving, which is always).

Anonymous said...

Wow. Hate much? You should see a therapist and if you already do, get a better one.

Anonymous said...

It’s a “ full time job” for this person (my guess it’s a him) to be rude on heathers blog comments. Some of “their” underlying points are valid but the delivery is downright hateful. Almost Ron-like when he’s being abusive.

Heather Knits said...

Some forums require posters to use their full, verified, names. It would be interesting to see what'd be said if that were the case here.

Could be it is my half sister. I cut off contact several years ago but she knew about the blog. She always detested Ron which was one reason I cut off contact.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading her blog for years now and I am tired of the double talk she posts. Since you obviously don't care about your full name being posted and the b.s. you post does it matter? You live with an abuser who soils himself daily from getting blackout drunk. The fact that it bothers you more to here him referred to as a drunk and calling you out on your nonsense about first leaving him, second not leaving him and back and forth is very sad. Heather is the one who needs a therapist and not just to get pills for her illness. I am not your sister but can see why she hated ron.

Heather Knits said...

Ok, you've been reading for years. I believe that. If you really don't like me or approve of my choices you can always delete the bookmark!

You are projecting a lot onto Ron that simply doesn't happen. He is currently working on an accounting report after having called in a soda delivery. He is not, as you may assume, lying on a pool of his own waste stinking drunk.

Yes, he is verbally abusive. Yes, he is an alcoholic. I accept that. But I made a promise and I intend to keep it. He has stuck by me through a lot - it cannot have been easy to be married to an unmedicated bipolar for 14 years. I owe him at least that much.

What I can do as this all evolves is take care of myself. That is one reason I started working out again and counting my protein (to make sure I'm getting enough).

Anonymous said...

Actually "not your sister" is also verbally abusive

Heather Knits said...

Yup. Dealt with bullies my whole life. If Ron even guessed I was getting that kind of grief he would be very upset.

Anonymous said...

"If Ron even guessed I was getting that kind of grief he would be very upset." REALLY? Ron the verbally abusive drunk would be upset that someone is calling you out on your b.s. and his? Interesting how he doesn't see what he does to you as abusive. Nor do you really see it that way anymore. The victim always defends the abuser and you are a classic example of this very thing.

How am I verbally abusive? By telling heather she is acting like ron's bitch at his beck and call when he destroys his property in a drunken stupor and she willingly agrees to take him to the store for replacement after replacement? Telling her that her husband is a drunk and show how she is enabling said drunkenness. Encouraging her to stick him in a nursing home, to find a job so she's not dependent on him. No those are not abusive statements or comments.

Heather Knits said...

1. Ron would see any damage to me as collateral, not intentional.
2. I don't defend him when he's being an ass. He is so drunk he could barely get into bed at 8 am. No defending that.
3. If Ron chooses to break his crap, and can afford new, I will help him buy it. He generally needs the stuff he breaks.
4. Abusers never see the language as abusive. Ron will do the same thing, I have to sit him down and explain what about what he just said was abusive. For instance, calling me Ron's "bitch" is abusive. But I deal with plenty worse so I go ahead and publish you. I have a choice on that, btw.

Anonymous said...

"If Ron chooses to break his crap, and can afford new, I will help him buy it. He generally needs the stuff he breaks. "

The point you are missing is that this behavior is wasteful. He can afford it, well of course he can when he pays you $800 a month and pockets the rest of it. That money could be used to make extra payments on your mortgage.

His goal should have been to pay that off to make sure you had a place to live in case he lost the business. But again Ron only looks out for and thinks about himself. You might think that adding an extra $25 - $50 a month to your mortgage principle is not a lot but it can save you thousands of dollars in interest over the course of your loan. It is just common sense of which that man has none.

He know what he does is abusive. He does not care. The fact that he keeps doing the same things over and over are crystal clear and prove this over and over. Why do we tolerate it because they are family? If it was a stranger doing all those things you would not let them get away with it and continue doing that to you.

And I didn't call you a bitch I said you were Ron's bitch. That means you are at his beck and call no matter how he behaves and what he does. Which is how you were acting running around like a chicken with their head cut off to try and find his phone which he misplaced and all the burden and pressure was on you to find it.

The problem with our society is family. Families looking the other way when those in said family circle are doing destructive things and exhibiting bad behaviors.

Yours is learned from your own father who ignored the fact that his daughter was being neglected when it was right under his nose. Not to mention procreating with an alcoholic and showing complete disregard for the outcome to his unborn children which caused your mental illness and FAS.

Not to mention the fact that he is still doing this to this day with his own grandchild. Looking the other way while a mentally ill father destroys that child and pretending that he is still a good person.

News flash when we let people we know get away with doing terrible things to harm others we are not good people. We are just weak and pathetic people who are more concerned about not making waves in their family then they are protecting the innocent victims.

Anonymous said...

Name calling is abusive

Heather Knits said...

Long comment, I have to agree with most of it.

Interestingly enough Ron gets very upset if I call myself a lackey. Very upset, even though I am.

We did pay an extra $20 on the mortgage for a while but they took it off when they sold it to a new company (on our 3rd). He doesn't think of planning ahead as a love language. To him, it's taking me somewhere to eat (you notice I always pick budget places when we go, which isn't often), giving me a ride somewhere, or buying me something.

When he wants to get me something nice I will encourage him to put it into savings.