Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wednesday morning

I slept OK but woke up with a vicious headache.  I took 2 Excedrin (200 mg caffeine) and had an energy drink (60 mg caffeine).  I have 2 diet Dr Peppers in the fridge (120 mg caffine total). 

My headache is better but my head still feels tight and achy.  I am not sure what triggered this one.  It could be hormonal. 

On the one hand, I will be glad when I am at the end of all this hormonal foolishness, on the other I hear bad changes happen at menopause.  So I just endure. 

I need to learn a lesson about checking my email late at night, I got an email from the state, they are changing their whole database program and I have a week to learn it.  It didn't sound too difficult in the training manual but still!  I hate learning new things! 

They have a test page so I will try that out TOMORROW, when I am  WORKING.  Not today, which is my DAY OFF.  I plan to go out and have fun once I feel a little better.  A hot shower is on the schedule. 

I woke up to find Ron eating chicken at 6 in the morning - our "neighbor" in #6 decided he would do some noisy yard work then.  What a nice guy!  I notice he is back to leaving the generator in the back of his truck, he did that about 10 years ago and it got stolen.  He blamed me for that because I couldn't tell him the exact time they made noise, robbing him.  When he saw our house getting robbed years later he turned his back and did not even call 911. 

Power tools + headache did not make for a good start, especially since the dog was yapping too.  He stopped once I was up and went off to work his cash jobs so he can keep getting welfare. 

Ron told me he had a great solution to the jagged tooth problem (due to the broken tooth).  He found some Starburst candy and formed that over the injury, making it soft and comfortable for his mouth.  I would have never thought to do that.  He plans to call the dentist when they open and schedule something ASAP.  It is awful when you can't chew.  You may recall I had a broken filling/tooth issue a few months ago and it sucked.  Happily, Doc was able to fix THAT problem for $100.  Let's hope Ron is as cheap.  He is reading a book in bed right now. 

Ron spends pretty much all his time at home, in bed.  I am hoping to roll him out to the garage once I get my punching bag, and set him up in front of it with some gloves on, let him whale away at it.  I think it would be great for his stress level, muscles, and cardio development.  I will at least try to do it.  There are very few things Ron can do with his current problems.  But he can hit a bag. 

Anyway, I am feeling better so I will head into the shower.  After I get dressed (I am not doing abs today because my head hates them) I will grab my Diet Dr's and head out the door.  It should be relatively cool right now so no worries about overheating.  I will be riding the bus for a while but that is OK.  Ron ought to be fine by himself for a few hours. 

There should not be a tremendous amount of walking, based on how I planned it.  But Ron did give me money to take a cab home/buy stuff if I want.  Overall Ron is pretty generous with cash.  I think he is just happy I did not ask him to go on paratransit.  Our trip yesterday was so awful I wouldn't do that to him. 

Anyway, I had better get started. 

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