Saturday, May 18, 2019

Saturday morning

I slept OK until about 7 AM, when one of my "neighbors" - not #6, began making loud hammering/banging noises. They are apparently doing some DIY project, are very slow, and are very loud.  Very annoying.  When my Dad used to work on weekend projects he would not start until at least 9, if not later.  Very rude.

The worst part for me is it is not constant hammering/banging.  It goes on for a minute or two, then 5-10 minutes, then starts up again.  Ugh.  It is unlikely I will get a nap today, for several reasons.

Ron got up about when I did, we talked a little, he went in the kitchen and drank a lot.  I did my workout and took my shower.  Since I am washing my hair more, with "harsh" shampoos, I am using some cheap conditioner on the ends.  That took some additional time but I got it done.

Ron had said we were going to the Waffle House later this afternoon.  I thought that would have been nice.

During my shower, I heard Ron talking to the guy who encourages him to drink, and told him about the flavored vodkas.  They apparently talked about alcohol and how fun it is because Ron headed back to the kitchen and drank a considerable, additional, amount.  I was concerned because Ron had had the equivalent of say, 10 shots so far this morning.

I got him to bed and helped him into bed, but he didn't like his position and tried to change it,falling out of bed onto his floor.  The room reeks.  It is disgusting,and the floor is awful.

When Ron started shifting around I told him I would not help him up if he fell, I'm not wrecking my back for a drunk who will just fall back down again in 2 minutes (done that).  So he understood when I left him on the floor.  He needs to sober up.  Then he can get into bed.

It was apparent to us both that Ron would not be able to go out.  He cancelled his trips.  Thank God.  I will not have the drama.  LIke I told him, the last thing we need is you falling out of a paratransit.  He agreed for once, normally he gets very upset if I even mention wanting to cancel a ride.

One time I had to because he was so drunk he couldn't put his shoes on.  And that's exactly what I told the driver.

Right in the middle of all this [un-named] Elementary called me again.  I don't know what happened but apparently some JOKER decided it would be funny to give them MY number, so I have been getting phone calls when little Maya got stung by a bee, or Jamie was absent yesterday.  I also get "exciting updates" weekly from the principal and on other occasions.  It is extraordinarily annoying because I DO NOT have kids.  So I looked up [un-named] Elementary, got their number, called, and left a message with the attendance clerk.  Hopefully they can pull up my number and unlink it from the kids it is hooked to, then contact the other number for the parents and get an additional one to replace mine.

It's just a hassle I do not need.  I was pretty upset when I called so hopefully they will take me seriously.

My hair is about half dry so I think I will take a nap, if I can.  Ron is not being obnoxious other than falling out of bed.

I am glad I at least got my workout done. It helps me feel like I have some control in my life.  The bike seat was making odd noises, though.  Worst case I would get a new bike.  God knows I have put some miles on this one.

Off I go to attempt a nap.

Edit: laid down for a little under 2 hours.  When I got up Ron had gotten himself into bed.  When I got up I asked him if he would like a soda and he said no, he just wants to sleep.  So I am spared the drama of trying to get him back into bed. 


Anonymous said...

The fact that his room reeks, is disgusting and awful is on you. What could possibly smell so bad in his room that you would describe it in this way. You say he urinates in bottles and leaves them in his room - but this causes no odor. So what is it exactly that is casing this stench that even you have commented on? Why is the floor so dirty? You are capable of mopping (if wood or tile) or vacuuming it (if carpet). I just don't understand and wonder if you even realize that the odor from his room more than likely has permeated into ALL areas of the house, since your home is small. Seems like you are in fact as the commercial says: "Nose Blind."

Heather Knits said...

I'd say Ron is really the nose blind one.

The overwhelming note in the room is "feet". As we all know Ron is not always diligent about bathing, so the foot smell gets on the bedsheet and mattress. He would not let my lysol his shoes and refuses to change his socks.

I have attempted to clean the carpet as best I can, but it really needs to be changed out. There have been some urinal "spills", etc. Add to that food crumbs from snacks, paper shreds from Baby Girl's scratcher, etc.

I am hyper sensitive to smell when working on a migraine so far it is just in there. The air freshener does not seem to help. Likely we need to rip out the carpet and lay some waterproof laminate.

Anonymous said...

Your migraines could very well be from that room. Do you notice worse migraine when the air conditioner is off?

Heather Knits said...

I haven't noticed a difference. My headaches are primarily food related with a dash of hormonal issues - I get more migraines after ovulating to day one of my cycle. Day one to day 14-15 are fine. After that I am more sensitive to my triggers.

There's no mold, I would smell that, just old sock odors. I need to get some of that spray on odoban or something.

Anonymous said...

What happened to God time, bible giveaways and candy giveaways?

Heather Knits said...

That's a good question. I guess I would have to say a vessel can only give what it contains.

RE: the candy a lot of entitlement going on there. "Where's my candy"? In a nasty way like I OWED them a bag of candy. One guy (the one who is always late) happily took the candy with Bible material, tracts, etc. for months. Whatever I had. One day he says he is "good enough to get into Heaven". I told him it doesn't work that way, he is SHOCKED. I asked him, "Did you even read ANY of the things I gave you?" "No, I threw it all away". Also other clients demanding candy, time and energy bagging it up, buying the candy, etc. Never had one person even say they read something that came with the candy. So not feeling the candy. I do give candy to medical service providers.

God Time, that was a time issue and also a space issue as I spread all the candy stuff out on the couch. Plus it is hard to get into "worship" mode when Ron has been ugly all night/morning, or is in the kitchen drinking, being belligerent,and really good odds is about to fall out of his wheelchair. It is very hard to get motivated for that.

I have not wanted to leave Ron alone long enough to do a Bible Handout. Between the drinking and the increased disability, it just seemed like a bad idea. He can't really come with because he now lacks the strength to hold the cases. I will ask him if he would like to "go to the chicken place on Greens road" and see if I can work a Handout that way.

I am one of those people, at least lately, when I am squeezed I am reluctant to give God the last drop. If I had to sum it all up that would be it.

Anonymous said...

All understandable.