Thursday, May 30, 2019


I didn't sleep well, and I had to get up at 2.  I dragged myself out of bed after a few runs with the snooze alarm, got up, fed the cats.  I got ready and got Ron ready. 

Our ride was early, a new driver.  Ron had a lot of difficulty moving from his wheelchair to the seat (transferring).  When we got to work he had even more trouble trying to get in his wheelchair. 

There is another guy at work who has the service, for some reason he can't drive.  He has nothing apparently wrong with him so it must be a brain thing. 

He showed up in the middle of Ron's attempted transfer, heckling, loud and obnoxious, asking rude/stupid questions: "Why can't he walk?"  I told him NOT NOW and he left us alone, I got Ron in his wheelchair, and unloaded. 

The other guy was still waiting around and wanted to know when Ron stopped being able to walk.  "3 years ago" I told him.  "But he could walk last time...."  "No, he couldn't"

He could stand partway and take half a step, that is not "walking".  Anyway, he got the point: LEAVE US ALONE and went in ahead of us. 

Ugh.  I hate it when people try to tell me what Ron can do.  They don't know him.  He is a lot more f*cked up than he looks. 

We got in and did some stocking, not much.  Happily Dr Pepper came around 7 so we could get out of there early. 

Ron called Arturo and he came pretty quick, considering Ron woke him up.  We went home.  I had a snack, took the rest of my pills (I took the AM pills at 2, along with a protein shake).  I took a nap. 

I woke up an hour before my alarm and decided to take a nap.  It was pretty warm out but not awful, I just took a 15 minute walk.  I had already walked a lot on my foot this morning so I went easy.  I still got points on my fitness app. 

I came back home and found my dumbbell handle on the porch, I took it out, put it together, and set it in my weight lifting area.  It looks very nice and sturdy.  Then I put the trash and cardboard in the respective containers. 

I got on the computer for a while and started doing a Walmart grocery delivery order.  I forgot to get the bottled water but that's not crucial.  Ron woke up.  I asked a few questions about what he wanted, and amended my order from Jalapeno chips to Sour Cream and Onion, at his request. 

The doorbell rang.  It was UPS.  They had my smaller rack.  I brought it into the garage.  It looks harmless but I will wait until I am well rested and not medicated before I attempt assembly. 

I am currently just waiting on my larger rack. 

I went ahead and placed my order.  Ron called and, sure enough, our driver was going to be late, it was the guy who's always late. . Ron was very unhappy and called in a complaint.  No other driver has this problem where they are chronically half an hour + late every single time.  Full of excuses.  I had Ron tell the representative how the driver thinks the dispatchers are persecuting him because he is happily married.  The representative started laughing, but it made the point. 

When he arrived, the driver could tell Ron wasn't happy with him and Ron kept making comments about how hard it was to find a lucrative job.  I didn't think that helped. 

We got to the Waffle House and it was mayhem.  They were training some new people, the restaurant was full, and things were very backed up.  A hungry baby was crying in a high chair.  Ron kept yelling "Shut up" at the baby.  I kept reminding him, it's a baby, it's hungry, and I'm sure you were just as loud.  The mother got the baby some juice and that took the edge off for a while. 

Then there was a large, scary, woman with more muscles than a body builder, covered in tattoos, wearing a shirt with cut off sleeves, shouting she wanted to see a manager.   They ended up comping her meal.  I didn't blame them. 

They brought me not one, but two, waffles.  No charge on the second one.  The bacon was good.  Ron had a grilled cheese.  This has been carb week for me.  I will definitely need to get on the bike tomorrow. 

It calmed down after half an hour.  Our pickup was late, and was the same driver.  Normally we buy him something if we know we will see him again but not today. 

He's not a bad guy, he is a terrible steward of his money, eating out at steakhouses a couple times a week with his wife - by his own admission.  I can only imagine what else he does with his money.  He also talks on his phone a lot when he doesn't have a customer, and has pulled over on one occasion when he was supposed to be picking us up, so he could talk on the phone instead of taking us to our destination.  And all the excuses and being late constantly. 

Some routes you're just going to run late.  But when other drivers have the route they run it perfectly.  So I have a hard time believing certain dispatchers are picking on one particular driver.  One other driver said this guy needs a pacifier to keep him from crying all the time. 

I am just SICK of the games.  I have enough drama in my own walls.  I don't need any more. 

I only talk about my troubles here, very limited to my family.  If my aunt wants to get the real scoop she comes here and reads, sometimes she will send me a text "Read your blog, SO SORRY" and that is all I need. 

Oh, I did rehome my chicken hat.  I had a cloth black chef's hat with chickens on it, printed on the fabric.  It has an adjustable closure in the back and is made entirely of the fabric.  She said it sounded like fun and she would take it.  So I will save it. 

My uncle is retiring and they have both said they want to visit.  When they do I can show them the garage and give her the hat. 

I am eager to get the shelving done, get things "racked" to borrow a kettlebell phrase, and see how much room I have left.   Hopefully enough room for something, but I lost a lot of room when I restructured, but this is safer and easier. 

I also need to figure out what I will do tomorrow for exercise.  I am thinking to do some half Turkish getups, I have studied the exercise extensively, do those as long as I can, work on the racks, do the bike, and take my shower.  It means an early-get-up, an exercise I perform frequently (:P), but I am OK with that. 

I get paid tomorrow and we go to Walmart (after all the work things) on Saturday, so I can make my deposit. 

Tonight I just need to rearrange the fridge after Ron's done in the kitchen, and get my grocery delivery and put the rack in the garage when it arrives. 

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

I start my full on training for my triathlon now that my journey is over I need to set another goal! Always look forward the past is the past “ dust in the wind” ect ,,,the future we can plan for, invest in and look forward to...but now is all that really matters in the scope of things what we gain in the future has everything to do with the goals we set and work on today.

I am fit and able to do things at “my age” because even though mental health issues I set fitness goals and worked on them I focused on enjoying my work outs with the idea that as I grew older I could not only care for others but also have some fun myself

Like a bike ride across Europe ...check OOOXXX YOU DO YOU after all Ron does Ron and even though it is inconceivable why he would destroy a perfectly good body and mind it is his body and mind . Just do not let him take you with him make a plan B talk to SSI i am sure your aunt can help you explain things just gather all your records and be your own advocate I have seen people do it and get education and healthcare as well as a check and when they were back to working full time at something they loved they stopped collecting simple as that not all people who take benefits abuse them they are there for people like you and I too! OOOXXX