Friday, May 31, 2019

We finally had enough

I wasn't sleeping well when I woke up with a migraine at 2:30.  I did the Mountain Dew.  I did the Excedrin.  Nothing.  I got on the computer for a while because there is nothing I hate more than tossing and turning with a migraine. 

I finally felt a little better and went back to bed, had some VERY broken sleep, and still felt like crap (somewhat of a headache, very tired) when my alarm went off. 

The plan was to get up, do a workout, work on assembling my shelves, and then take a shower before work.  That was not going to happen, any of it. 

Well, I got the shower. 

[later]  I was lucky to go to the bank.  It was pretty quiet there but ugh, my head.  I got some diet soda on the way home. 

Now we are going to a bbq buffet.  I am hungry off and on so I should be OK.  I took a nap with Torbie, who was completely awesome and the best cat ever. 

I will ABSOLUTELY get another old cat when I am looking again. 

[fast forward some hours]

So, here's my day: got up, shower, bank, home.  Curl up in ball with Torbie, get up. 

Our ride was late again, Mr Excuses.  Ron had enough and called in a complaint as we rode to the destination.  Driver acted all shocked, injured, and offended Ron did so.  I told him "You are always late, every single time.  No one else has this problem."  He couldn't say anything to that.  Normally I am the "nice" one telling Ron to calm down, not to yell. 

But I was fed up and my head was killing me, the last thing I wanted was more excuses and outrage over Ron simply saying "The man is always late". 

I told Ron later a teachable person would have said "I'm sorry, I need to work on this".  Instead, he angrily told me Ron was going to cost him his bonus.  So much for teachable.  And he drove terribly after that, I was worried about a wreck. 

Even the driver has to admit he is chronically, constantly, late.  No one else has this issue.  It was time to complain.  He has ruined enough trips of ours already. 

I believe he is always late because he is always pulling over to gossip on his phone.  Drivers who focus on their job do well.  He is just doing the minimum.  Told us recently he has "big plans" for a food truck. 

He isn't focused on doing a good job and providing service, he is focused on performing the bare minimum so he can "cash out" every week.  He's not invested. 

So he's a terrible driver always skating by.  The fact that he reacted with outrage as opposed to contrition told me a great deal about him.  I already told you about him at the chicken place, running the employees around, heckling them, demanding free food, rushing them, etc. just ALL the things I hated in a customer when I was on the other side of the counter.  It tells you a lot when you see someone order food. 

He "seems" to be a nice guy and goes to a lot of pains to project that, but underneath he is a whiny, entitled, greedy, selfish, brat.  One of the other drivers said he needed a pacifier. 

Smart people can take correction.  When a customer told me she missed the dark chocolate and wanted it back, I had a couple of choices.  I could have said "Look, I'm doing my best, you people are too demanding" or I could say "I'll pick some up the next time I run to the warehouse" which I did, and then most importantly I stocked it. 

It is not about me, at work.  It is not about serving my wants/needs.  It is about serving the customer and making sure they have a good experience.  If I can't do that I need another line of work.  I do my best and I can say that with pride. 

We had a good meal and I got a lot of protein into Ron, I was very happy about that.  I was able to enjoy my meal.  We called Arturo and he came pretty quick. 

Only problem, his computer died so he cannot get any more trips.  He HAS to fix that or no money today.  Ron and I prayed for a quick fix on that. 

Ron did not want to go to Walmart or my bank any time in the next couple days, so I called Chuck, but HIS truck is dead so no rides from him.  I could take Arturo but I really don't want to go to Walmart on the weekend. 

I am thinking to go to another branch of my bank on the bus and make that deposit.  Then I can order most of my Walmart stuff for delivery. 

Did I tell you about the cheese sticks?  Last night Ron wanted "something small" so I told him, I have hard boiled eggs, I have cheese sticks... etc.  See, I have good stuff available, he just doesn't eat it.  Last night he said he wanted a cheese stick.  I was shocked. 

I "peeled" it and gave it to him, he loved it.  He then proceeded to eat about 10 more, over a period of an hour.  I wasn't complaining, he was getting protein and calcium, 2 things he really needs.  He asked me to put more on the list, which I did. 

That can be delivered easily.  Walmart delivery has just been the best thing for me.  I love it.  We will have to get out and pick up Ron's pills from the pharmacy, though. 

So, tomorrow is looking like warehouse, work, home.  Then run to my bank. 

I am thinking I might want to use a scented laundry detergent.  So I might pick some up tomorrow, the packs, not the liquid, that I can carry home on the bus and use when I do laundry this weekend. 

Ron's shirt of the day was pretty spectacular when I took it away from him.  I really like what Tide does for the clothes, so I may get a scented Tide.  I still plan to use the unscented on stuff like my underwear, sheets, and towels because strong odors can be awful when I have a migraine.  Hopefully I am good for a while though. 

I couldn't believe that driver today "[I am seriously late everytime I pick you up but] I"m going to lose my bonus [because you complained]."  What did he expect?  We would just keep bending over?  

Sorry.  I hate it when Ron does that, go on and on about something.  He knows he has a complaint on file, if he is smart he will work to get ahead of it.  I am just sick of all the excuses and lies.  "They sent me across town" - no, I called them half an hour ago and you were on time.  You just decided to pull over and gossip on your cell phone for 20 minutes because we were the next trip.  Maybe now he will be more diligent since he knows we WILL complain. 

I am drinking some diet cranberry juice out of the big plastic bottle.  It is time to change out Ron's urinal and when I finish the bottle I will give it to him.  The old bottle needs to go and that is all I'll say.  I like the juice and it is very good and cold.  Not a problem to drink! 

I am cranked up on caffeine today, I don't even want to guess how much I had, but hundreds of mg over what my doctor suggests.  I had things to do, though, and I had to be functional. 

I am missing my workout but will NOT be stupid and attempt it today.  My head is better but the headache will come back in the "right" circumstances. 

I want to do a little bit of kettlebells, cardio, and legs.  Leg day means a lot of squats.  I am thinking it would probably be better to do that in the afternoon after I come home from the bank.  It will be hot in the garage but I can wear out my legs without needing them. 

I will need my strength in the morning.  I will need to walk to/from the bus stop.  But after that, legs are optional. 

Worst case I can do it Sunday.  I have NEVER heard of a fitness person being harmed by an extra day off.  I can just "hit it" that much harder when I do go back to it. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am worried about your caffeine use Healther take care and do YOU! Not to be bossy because I get the “why” ...however doing “you” That means what you put in your body as fuel .

I was a ginseng and caffeine user until I got palpitations