Sunday, May 19, 2019

Bad News first

I slept OK last night, woke up before 7.  I got up and went to the laundry room to check on my towels.  Ron heard me and got up, got in the wheelchair, went to the kitchen, and began drinking. 

I put the towels where they belong and cleaned the primary litter box.  I topped it off with another brand of litter I found while cleaning the garage.  The cats were very curious about it (not Scoop away) but happily used it just the same. 

I fed the cats of course, had a Diet Mountain Dew.  Ron kept drinking, steady.  I took out the trash and he thanked me.  That used to be "his" job.  I don't care about stuff like that, it has to go out, and I would have to take it out if I were single.  I moved him so I could put the can back and he started heading for his room. 

He was too drunk to get into bed.  At 7 in the morning (bad news).  I had to help shove him into bed.  For once, he was able to communicate his needs.  I got him shoved into bed and he has been quiet. 

It's just SAD he gets so drunk.  I was going to say "early in the day" but it is SAD he gets that drunk anytime. 

He is safe in bed, though. 

My new towels are very nice, velvety, absorbed a ton of water in the wash, dried nicely, vibrant purple.  I put one out on the weight bench and admired it, then decided to take some photos.  That's where you come in. 

Photo #1, squat rack with kettlbells, weight bench and ab ball. 

 Photo #2, dumbbell racks and dumbbells.  I have them up to 20#.
Photo #3, general view from the garage door.  Some room but not a whole lot. 
I will have some difficulty making room in the garage.  I definitely can't do a treadmill, even if you gave me one rated for my weight.  Can't squeeze it in. 

It is doubtful I have room for a punching bag.  I will have to keep rearranging the room and see what I can do. 

I do have room for abs on the floor, look at photo #3, right side.  It is a bigger area than you'd think.  I plan to put my tiles down there.  That should really brighten the area. 

I am not sure what I want to do today.  We got pizza last night, Ron wanted Specialty chicken with bacon and BBQ sauce.  Since I was ordering anyway I got myself a meatlover thin crust.  So I have most of that to eat. 

I have decided I am happy with my phone for now.  So I don't plan to go to the cell phone store. 

I am feeling a little restless and would like to get out, but I also have the issue of wanting a nap later.  But will "they" let me have a nap?  Will Ron?  Questions, questions. 

The buses don't run as often on the weekend so that's an issue too. 

Anyway, that's where I am today. 


Anonymous said...

Nice setup. For lighting you should consider a shop light instead of a lamp. They come in several sizes, are inexpensive, and easy to hang. A lamp would take up space and could be knocked over. If you can't hang it yourself, maybe ask someone to do it. You just need a couple hooks.

I'm sorry Ron is getting worse.

Anonymous said...

I like your set up

AV said...

Again, get some earplugs. Do you have an Amazon or Wal-Mart wishlist? Put them on, post the link and I will buy them for you. I recommend the silicone kind

Heather Knits said...

Oh, I have some on the bedside table. A silicone "swimmers" type. They do a pretty good job, just a little tough to roll over on my side. You are very sweet to offer, though. :)