Saturday, May 25, 2019


I kept waking up last night, it wasn't Ron.  That was frustrating. 

So I woke up tired today.  I took my shower, got ready for work, got Ron ready.  We went to the warehouse and got our supplies, Jack came and got us, we went to work, put it away, stocked, helping Ron, the usual. 

We had a bit of a wait on our ride but I had put my sunglasses on the back of Ron's wheelchair.  It is hard to find sunglasses to fit over my bifocals but I managed to do it.  They are very handy in the summer when it is generally very bright. 

Houston tends to be pretty gloomy during the winter. 

We went home (straight trip) and I had a protein shake and took my pills, which I had forgotten this morning.  Ron headed for the vodka. 

Once I finished I took a nap.  I had a pretty good quality nap (with Torbie!) but woke up with a headache.  A low-caffeine drink helped with that.  I got on the computer for a while then did stretchy band work for my shoulders.  I use my shoulders a lot at work so I am pretty aggressive in maintaining them.  I also lift weights. 

But today was "off" for cardio and weights, I just did the band, checked on Ron, and then took a walk for about 15 minutes.  I came home and did some stretching work in the garage.  My stability ball is too small for some of the work I wanted to do, but other than that it went well. 

I feel clearer.  I am not going to do yoga but I can see why people might like it. 

I came in the house.  The other day I did something smart.  Powerade comes in a great plastic bottle.  So I filled my empties up with tap water and put them in the fridge.  I used some of that to make lemonade and it was very good and cold.  I made sure to top off the bottle, too. 

The cats are loving their water fountains so I am very glad I got those.  I need to check and see if they need topping off.  I also need to do the litter boxes too. 

Then I need to call my Dad in about half an hour.  I can get all that done. 

Ron gave me some money to get dinner delivered, I am thinking Chinese.  I will pull up the menu and see what they have. 

At some point, I need to check out the new State database for inputting reports.  I can't imagine they made it very difficult, but I need to check it out before the report is due "Didn't you look?"  I don't want to look foolish. 

That's it for now. 

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