Thursday, May 16, 2019


I found the coolest thing ever on Amazon.  Purple gym tiles.  I bought 12 square feet, I am pretty eager to see what they look like in the garage.  I already have a purple ab ball so I would love to have a theme. 

The squat rack and weight bench are sadly NOT purple but I think the rest will make up for it.  And I need some lighting in there.  It is so gloomy with just the one, low-watt, lightbulb. 

I slept in today and barely had time for a shower.  I scrambled to get dressed and put out ALL the stuff to be donated, several bags of clothes, a bag of shoes, a folding support cane Ron would not touch, and a lamp I don't want (it's a small one, or I would put it in the garage).  I got it all out on the porch - a huge mound - and then put on a note saying "Donate, Thank you". 

Then we left and went to the warehouse.  We bought some drinks for work.  Ron complained his arm was hurting today and was pretty miserable with it all day.  He was still able to work, though. 

I had brought my kindle, but talked to him while we waited.   I tried to look up bike shorts on my phone but the browser kept crashing.  I have a feeling I may need to upgrade my phone. 

Our ride came, it was a big van.  Ron has an easier time getting into the seat on those.  We went to work after picking up an autistic guy who kept picking at Ron's seatbelt.  He was spanish and only spoke spanish.  Why would you have a kid in America and NOT teach him English?  Something happens the poor guy can't communicate anyway, but hobble him with the language thing and he's really screwed.  I don't get that. 

We went to work and I unloaded the merchandise while the driver unloaded Ron.  I left him outside and went to get a cart.  I brought the cart out and loaded it, moved Ron to the shade, and put the cart in the foyer.  Then I went to get Ron. 

I got everyone/thing inside and unlocked the machines for Ron.  Once I got that settled I started helping him.  I was pretty busy, I also did my work in there too.  I got all my activity points by the time we left, and we weren't there for long considering. 

We had a little bit of a wait to go home.  I put Ron in the shade (I had forgotten the backpack, with my sunglasses and his hat), while I waited.  Our driver finally showed up. 

He had placed the other client's walker in the backseat.  Why, I don't know.  He was a large man (height and weight) so maybe he didn't want to bend over to put it in the back compartment.  I asked him to please move it (asked nicely), so Ron could sit and then "You won't have to strap him".  That seemed to be the tipping point as he moved the walker, Ron got in, and then he put the wheelchair up. 

We took the other client to her destination.  It was apparent she had had a stroke that affected her body usage and her cognitive.  She kept asking questions. 

We got home and unloaded, I got Ron in the house.  I fed the cats.  I missed second and third breakfast, you know. 

I ate some yogurt and laid down for a nap.  I got up around 3 with a nasty headache, but a cold diet soda helped.  Hopefully our supervisor is coming to take the vending parts tomorrow.  I set everything up so we can easily move them without a lot of work.  It involved moving some things around but it's done.  I admired my purple ab ball - that will look great with my new flooring - and did some crunches, got a good burn in the whole ab section.  Then I got out my stretching book and did the basic workout.  It was a little warm in the garage but not bad overall. 

I went back in the house and made a lemonade.  Then I took Ron a cold soda (he did not ask, but I guessed correctly he could use one).  We talked a little, I told him what I did.  I had taken out a very old, half-rusted cart in poor condition and left it out by the street for the hoarders.  They will take it no matter how bad it is. 

And the charity people took everything and left a very nice note on the door.  I will use them again.  Salvation Army made me wait weeks AND didn't take everything, last time I called.  These guys came in a few days and took everything.  Glad that is all gone. 

I am GLAD all this crap is going away.  From what I see, hoarders get really distraught at "losing" their crap.  I'm not, I'm relieved and happy.  I think it's just a brain thing - planning and organizing it all can be exhausting.  Some times I don't have that energy. 

Happily I am just a little manic so I can get it all done.  Speaking of mental illness a mentally ill woman was killed by police in Baytown, not far from Houston.  Everyone is asking me "What did she do?"  I don't know, but it was enough to provoke the officers into firing. 

Which is why we take our pills.  People off their meds act erratically and scare normal people.  Normal people can lash out and hurt you, the crazy person.  All because you did not take your meds.  I am not saying she was off her meds but I would bet on it.  The truth will out. 

It just confirms my need to take my medication, even though it makes me fat, sleepy, headaches, brain fog, all the rest.  I can't afford to take chances. 

Ron and I were talking today (something unrelated) and he said "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you".  Yup, he'd be pretty screwed.  I think he would bounce but it would be a very hard fall.  And he would lose the house, business, and cats.  Hopefully it will not come to that. 

Biscuit slept with me during my nap and was a sweet little spoonbread.  Torbie got up on me for petting and then left when she had enough.  I fed everyone about 4 times.  I put the ration in their bowl (they each have their own bowl) and then offer it several times through the day.  They are happy getting it like that. 

Baby Girl is sleeping with Ron and is so cute even he won't disturb her to go get vodka.  It is adorable to watch.  Sadly he takes his pants off when he gets into bed so is never "decent" for a photo. 

I don't know what I want for dinner but I do want something "good".  I have a sweet and sour TV dinner, those are good, but I might cut a chunk off my 2 pound piece of extra sharp cheddar.  Cabot.  Best cheddar around.  I can nibble on the cheese while I figure out the rest of my dinner.  I want to go to bed early because she is coming at 9.  Then I will focus on organizing the garage and see how much space I have for fitness equipment.  It won't be much, maybe 4 feet square.  So I will have to figure out what fits in that and go from there. 

I still like the idea of a punching bag, though. 


Anonymous said...

Doesn’t it feel good to get rid of stuff? I love doing it but I am the same, getting the energy and time is the hard part. I’ve been slowly donating books and clothes for a few months. It’s hard to get over not having the instant gratification of getting it all done in one day. I just don’t have the time. Lol

Heather Knits said...

Oh, it was great to come home and find an empty porch.

I have less of a "life" so hopefully a little more time to devote to things like this. I assume all of you work full time, etc. I only work part time.

I have pretty much stopped buying books unless they involve fitness and I need to see the pictures or I want to carry them into the garage where they may be dropped, etc. Everything else goes on the Kindle my aunt got me. I am really lucky to have my aunt.

That means of course if the Kindle goes I have to buy a new one and download everything all over again. That is one area I want to get next, the bookshelves in the front room. I have everything on them from a pressure canner to puzzle books. I plan to donate the canning stuff to a guy I know online who will use them, once I check them out and ensure they are in good shape.