Saturday, May 4, 2019

The question

Ron is on the floor in his bedroom, throwing things around.  He was putting things in the litter box.  Yuck.

I asked him if he wanted help getting into bed, he said no.  I went away and left him for a while.  He continued.

I was wondering what to do next.  Should I eat and take my pills?  And the thought came to me, you could say from above: "Heather, do you really want to face the next couple hours without your medication?"  The answer to that of course was NO.

I got out a TV dinner (the $1 kind), heated that up while I fed the cats.  I poured a glass of milk and sat down with my dinner, ate, took my pills.  I had a peanut butter snack for dessert.

Then I checked on Ron again.  He said no, he didn't want help going back to bed.  He seems happy on the floor so I'll leave him.  After I left he said thank you.

I will offer one more time before I go to bed in a couple of hours.

Back to living my life for a while.

Edit: I heard Ron checking the time on his alarm clock, which is up next to his bed - impossible to access from the floor. 

I checked and he got himself back into bed.  That's a load off my back.  Literally. 


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Heather . You are not alone there are many women and a few men out there living in this kind of situation that feels so “loose loose” to do anything about. Narcissistic people care nothing about us or our feelings . They are incapable. He is very capable but players on that you are blessed with empathy and he knows how to work your need to nurture him. He created this you have told us that. But now you have your world too so meshed with his.

There is a better world out there I know that first hand having had similar fears myself. HOWEVER never mistake the fact you are being manipulated by a man who groomed you into this position. You said it yourself now do not forget it . He has learned no other way to get what he wanted because he has figured out what works with you. He did none of that to the people in rehab and he is perfectly capable of behaving .

That is all I can say sending you lots of love and strength to carry on

Heather Knits said...

Someone on a message board sent me a private message basically saying I was the only person he knew with a life as bad as his. I decided to take it as a compliment but it's very sad people are out there living this life. Myself included.