Saturday, May 11, 2019

Saturday and I'm tired

Saturday tires me out the most. 

I forget how I slept but I woke up TIRED.  I got up at the last possible moment, fed the cats, got ready.  In that order.  There you have a nice visual of me naked standing over the cats as they ate their breakfast.  [eeek!]

Sorry.  We went to the warehouse and got our supplies.  I had a problem, though, they were having a big sale and all the flatbed carts had been set up all over the store with merchandise.  I had to boot an $1,100 TV off one cart so I could use it. 

I spent about $400 though, so I didn't feel guilty. 

I bought Ron some of the popcorn he likes.  It is vegan, and I thought their version of cheddar cheese was awful, but Ron loves it.  It is healthier than chips. 

We went to work and stocked.  I was very busy helping him and doing my work.  At two points, the security door would not open for me, very aggravating.  It is a secure building so I understand the need but at least fix the door so it opens when I "present" my badge. 

I worked my ass off.  By the time I left my fitness tracker had me at 80+ "move" points, it currently reads over 5,900 steps.  And it is only 2:30. 

We left a little before our pickup time and had a little wait outside, but it was nice.  The rain just now started so we missed it, thank God. 

We came home, we were both pretty tired.  Ron's hand is about the same, not great, can't do things he could, but at least he can use the computer and self-care (what he could do before). 

Ron had some vodka while I fed the cats again.  As I've said, what I do every morning is portion out their food into their bowls.  I keep the bowl locked up unless I am directly feeding them, I put it down, let them eat, put the bowl away when they lose interest.  Then I lock it up again. 

Biscuit was pretty eager to eat, he had missed second and third breakfast, it was now lunch time.  I fed the girls too. 

Ron gave the girls some treats, too. 

I set up my workout clothes and got ready to take a nap.  Ron had given me money to pay Chuck tomorrow, and for my medication.  Chuck will be taking me to Walmart tomorrow.  I can get my medication and my groceries then, and keep my online account money for "fun". 

Anyway, Ron went to bed, so did I.  I turned off my phone because I did not want to be disturbed.  I laid down in bed, Torbie came running.  She loves our special time of me lying in bed and petting her.  So we did that.  She gently redirected me with claws flexed into my face, every time I neglected my duties.  Then she went over on 'her" pillow when she was satisfied.  I drifted off a little. 

About an hour later, someone rang the doorbell repeatedly.  I was most annoyed, especially when I found the coward had run off by the time I got to the door.  I HOPE it was a sales man.  I am going to put a note on the door, Ron was asleep. 

He is an OLD, SICK, man who needs his rest.  It is reasonable to expect we will get that.  I am always furious when my former internet company (terrible service and equipment) comes knocking on the door, trying to "get me back".  Why would I go back to crappy modems breaking all the time, lack of service, RUDE people, no help when I needed it?  No one would, not even a crazy brain damaged woman.  RUDE. 

Even worse would have been the kids next door.  I heard them playing outside, one of them could have "lost" something over the fence and come ringing my doorbell to make me "give it back, right now" - also incredibly rude, but I am pretty sure I put an end to that a few years ago.  They were so bad at one point I disconnected my doorbell so we could sleep.  You may think it's cute, loud kids bothering you all hours of the day and night (as late as 11:30 PM one night), I do not, ESPECIALLY as Ron has a terrible time sleeping.  I don't like him disturbed when he is sleeping.  I find it interesting: when I told them I would return the ball, whatever when I found it, on MY timeline, they would have to WAIT to get it back, suddenly it wasn't flying over the fence 2-3 times a day. 

That was the same policy the OTHER neighbors had - and I asked. 

Biscuit kept putting his head in my lap just now so I fed him late lunch.  Not to be confused with Early Dinner.  He has about half of his food left so not bad considering the time. 

I was pretty annoyed someone had gotten me up, but, like I said, the kids were "out" and were not going to let me sleep anyway (Ron can generally sleep through the kids).  I put on my workout clothes, the plan is to do 10 minutes on the bike (warm up) and then "legs" - weights.  Squats, leg extensions, leg curls, and whatever else I think of.  And then some stretching to finish it off. 

I am trying to hit each body part 2 x a week.  Some things, like deadlifts and squats, hit many body parts at once.  Kettlebells are also good for that.  Some things, like arms and legs, are also worked in addition to the "general" workouts. 

I recently read it is a bad idea to do squats and deadlifts in the same workout, so I am focusing on squats today, I did deadlifts a couple days ago.  I am not 'butch" by any means.  A lot of what I work with is in the 10 pound range.  But I am focusing on overall health and strength. 

I already have tomorrow planned.  I can sleep in pretty late (if they'll let me, but generally they do on Mother's Day around here) if I want, that will be nice.  I don't have any workouts planned, it will be a recovery day. 

I never do shoulders on inventory day because I am already moving them tremendously.  I don't want to strain them.  I may work them with the stretchy band later just to get the kinks out.  The idea is to stay functional and improve my strength and stamina. 

It is raining again so it should be nice and quiet for a while, and no sales men bothering me.  I had one the other day.  He took one look at my face and started apologizing, then ran off. 

That's right, run!

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

Go Team Heather with he fitness goals good for you!

Here where I live one knocks we all text if we need anything and that is only when one of our cars gets bashed into or there is a prowler , then we send out an APB to keep eyes open. I finally checked on one guy when I did not see him for 5 months LOLOL that was sad what do you say ? “I cared enough to check to see if you were dead after 4 MONTHS but thought I would give it one more and just be sure LOLOL? “

I will be offline for a few weeks starting this next week achieving goals . ..much love and keep pushing forward.

I think there is some way after you try to dispose of anything and have a paper trail you can send a certified letter giving them a certain amt of time to get the shit out of your garage? You should be able to get that answered by someone for free I would think? But you do have rights regardless .