Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Kitten videos make everything better

I'm feeling better.  Ron went to sleep so it's just me by myself. 

I remade the bed and stuffed his feather comforter into it's duvet.  He had it on his bed as an additional pillow but I plan to save it for winter.  He "gets cold" and then turns the heater (spelled that as heather!) up to blistering levels.  So I have that stored in the garage.  Later on, I will move my extra lamp out there.  It is very hard to look straight at the light bulb in the ceiling when I am on my back doing exercises. 

I hear a cat snoring, I looked and it is Biscuit, behind me on the floor.  Ideally I will go to bed in an hour but we'll see if Ron wakes up.  We really need to do the report.  But he was unconcious most of today so I venture he will be up tonight. 

As much as he'd like to sleep 24/7, he doesn't operate that way.  If he sleeps all day he will be up all night.  And he has been asleep since about 8, and it's after 5.  So if he wakes up I will encourage him to do the report and wake me up when he finishes, so I can file it. 

I think we can all agree someone with an addictive personality like Ron should stay offline.  So I do the online stuff associated with the business. 

And he seems to be awake so I will go check on him. 

He was hungry.  I fed and watered him.  He is rational and coherent.  He thought it was "really weird" that he had the hallucination earlier.  That's one word for it. 

Anyway, we decided he should work on the report for a while.  So he's doing this, he is navigating easily, I can hear the computer talking.  That's good.  He has to be able to do that. 

He said his hand is working better, too.  That's a relief. 

I did notice he is using his right arm more than he used to.  Like most of us, he favored the strong arm.  But he got in the habit of using the right hand/arm more after his stroke or whatever it was. 

I fed the cats (again!), but forgot to put up the girls' food, and Biscuit got into it.  This has happened before and he was OK but I always feel like a total shit.  I remind myself a steady diet of the other stuff will get him sick again, a few bites given by accident will not. 

I hope. 

He still seems OK a while later.  I don't suggest it, but it seems 1-2 bites on rare occasion will not kill him. 

Ron hit a snag on the computer work so we will finish tomorrow. 

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