Monday, May 6, 2019


The headache that would not die persisted through the night and most of the day.  It finally crawled off after one too many icy cold diet Mountain Dews. 

I will probably be up all night, but the headache is gone. 

We got up, I helped Ron dress.  Just out of curiosity they used to have a scale, what daily activities you needed help with and that rated how much assistance you got.  Let me see how Ron rates. 

Well, he needs help with dressing, some with bathing (although in a pinch he could do it on his own), transferring he can do mostly on his own.  Eating he can do about half.  Laundry I do.  Cleaning I do.  Meal prep I do.  I take entire care of the cats, he gives them a few treats but that's it. 

So, we went to work, I helped him stock and then did my work.  We came home, I took a nap.  My head was raging. 

I got up and began drinking cold caffeine.  That helped somewhat.  Ron wanted to get started on the monthly report. 

I have been concerned how he will able to use the keyboard as his hand is so messed up.  It was very ugly but he managed to do it all.  At one point he asked me to do the data entry but I reminded him his hand would never get better if he didn't use it.  So he finished the work on his own. 

Sometimes I am "mean", when warranted.  We finished that up, he called and made our trips for tomorrow.  Then he called a friend. 

This friend is very impressed with my care of Ron and is probably my #1 fan.  I keep telling Ron to let him know I am a terrible housekeeper but he won't.  So he probably has an unrealistic image of me. 

I wish I lived up to it!  He talked to me for a while and then I gave the phone back to Ron. 

I did some housework, cleaned the litter box, etc.  I have one box soaking with some bleach in the bathtub.  I am going to retire that box (they still have 4) and put it in the garage once it's cleaned. 

I was happy I did the cleaning.  I decided I wanted my free pizza from Dominos so I ordered that, asked Ron what he wanted, got him what he wanted.  He gave me some money to buy it.  I had to pay for his food even though mine is free. 

The pizza is out for delivery so should be coming shortly.  I'm going to take a break. 

Done.  Pizza was good, Ron loved his chicken.  He lost his remote, I couldn't find it so he is cleaning his room.  Overdue but glad he is doing it.  He did all that by himself, I just identified some gift cards, etc. 

I am pretty tired.  I'm glad I am feeling better and very glad the caffeine doesn't seem to want to keep me up tonight.  I really do need my sleep. 


Anonymous said...

Must be the drunk friend who gives the drunk advice about which vodka flavors taste better than others.

Heather Knits said...

No, he doesn't know about the blog. I think those I know who do read it (I don't advertise it to people I know) are so stricken they have nothing to say. I know my aunt reads it fairly regularly so she is up to date on what's happening.

She is also the one who has let me stay at her house nights it really got bad. She's one of my dependable people. :)