Thursday, May 9, 2019

Don't screw with the crazy pills

I didn't sleep well.  I tend not to sleep well the night before a soda delivery, I have to go to bed early, the "neighbors" don't care, and I have to get up at 2 AM.

#6 still has their dog, overall it is quiet but they were out last night, so the dog barked a lot when they got home.  I guess that is what he wants, something happy to see him when he gets home (she would never be "allowed" to get a dog if he didn't want one too, and I think the last thing she wants is another butt to wipe, so to speak.she's done enough with her own 6 kids and the daycare).  So I had to deal with the barking when I was trying to sleep, but I reminded myself I don't really hear that much barking overall.  It could be a lot worse.

I finally dropped off for a little bit, woke up at 2.  I got up and took my shower, helped Ron dress.  We are supposed to have A Big Rain Event the next couple days, so I brought our wet weather gear (ponchos, etc).

We had our usual route to work, the "slow" girl was already on board, we picked up a guy who works where we do (two employees have paratransit that I know of), then dropped her at the airport.  But because she is slow the driver has to personally walk her to her work station, which took more time.  The guy from work likes to talk to me but is an asshole, making jokes about cats in Chinese food, etc.  Not appropriate at all.  I don't know if he has "a brain issue" or he is just that inept.  But he is fairly offensive and I don't like him.

I talk to him just to keep him occupied, otherwise he has tantrums and could theoretically make up a complaint about us at work.  Easier just to hear him.

We got to work and unloaded.  I helped Ron get to work.  I was happy to see working my back yesterday, weightlifting, did not make it hurt today.  I was doing a lot of lifting.  We were pretty busy with sodas, most of the way through that Ron's phone rang - it was Dr Pepper.  It was about 7 AM.  They have come as late as 10 some days so we were thrilled to hear it.  We had a nice, professional, driver.  I got everything put away, paid the man, and off he went.  Now I had nice stacks of soda everywhere.

I had a refund.  The guy basically told me he couldn't figure out how to operate the food machine.  Why did you put your money in it if you didn't understand the item had to be at the door?  He was very rude.  "I bet you get a lot of complaints about that machine" "Actually, I get very few" I replied.  He was very upset "the other guy" (works for the other vendors) "wouldn't help" him or give him a refund.  I explained that is literally not his business.  I gave him his $2.50 and he stomped off.

I helped Ron finish his work and then got to work on mine.  I finished that and took the money out of the vending machines.  I put away all our stuff and we left, we will be back Saturday.

Ron couldn't get ahold of Arturo.  That was a bad 10 minutes.  Turns out he was in the shower!

We finally got him and went home.  With paratransit, you have to tell them when you're leaving.  You have to tell them a day in advance.  "When the soda comes" is not acceptable.  So on soda delivery days (1-2 times a month) we take a one way to work and then a cab, when we're ready, home.

I called the vet on the way and set up the cats' appointment for shots, etc. in July.  Then I confirmed with Chuck he can do it.  We got home, unloaded Ron, into the house.

Ron had "finished" the report but didn't want to work on it until he had a nap.  So we did that.  I had a pretty good nap but woke up with a headache.  I had some energy drink mix and that helped.  I should still be under my limit for the day.  This stuff is not loaded with caffeine, about as much as a can of soda.

He locked himself in his room for a while doing the report, came out, we filed it online.  I did the online payment.  Done.  Then I got the money and counted it.  Oh, that took a while - it's just tedious.  I told Ron the amount.  He was happy and gave me a bonus.  I was happy to see it, I am about out of cash in my wallet.

I had hundred-packed it for the bank so it is all ready to go.  We are taking it in tomorrow.

Ron made the trip (I think) so that's done.  I will try to stay up a few hours because I have some items arriving today.  I don't want to leave them on the porch overnight.

Since odds are it will rain we are not doing anything special today or tomorrow.

Oh, I almost forgot.  While we were waiting on Arturo I called the pharmacy to see what was going on with my medication.  They said they "had the order, and would I like them to fill it?"

It's an antipsychotic.  It keeps me, literally, from becoming psycho.  What do you think?!

I couldn't believe it.  I should be able to pick it up Saturday.  [rolleyes]  And I thought Ron had problems with his medication.

Don't screw with the crazy pills.  Ever.

The cats are good.  They should be getting their bag of food, and their water fountain, today.  I may set up a Walmart delivery for Sunday or Monday.  I have some money in my online account.

If Ron doesn't want to run me to Walmart to get my pills I can ride the bus one way (once the rain passes), and either take a cab or a bus home, depending on how I feel.

Oh, it's been a long day.

Edit: both packages arrived about 5 PM.  I set up the new water fountain and am storing the food until I need it.  I plan to eat my spaghetti and meatballs for dinner tonight and ideally stay up until 7 so I can check the mail.  Ron is finishing his last book right now. 

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