Saturday, August 3, 2024


 I think I figured out one reason my allergies are bad lately.  

Feather pillow.  I love it, I love feather pillows (not down but the feathers) so much but they can be bad for my allergies.  

And Cleo came home, bust in the cat door ran across the bed.  The boy cats were with me so I knew it was her so I squealed her name and she came running across me.  We had a nice time with petting and purrs.  Allergies didn't like that much but when I turned into my pillow after she left oh boy.  

I would much sooner give up a pillow than a cat.  

When I got up I gave them a can of wet food, that was a big hit.  

I'm going to take a shower, do my Bible study, do up some candy, and go to the grocery store.  They haven't changed my schedule yet but I assume I am working next weekend.  

I went to the grocery store as I'll run out of candy if I work next weekend.  I had my hand cart (in Texan: "buggy").  I got to the stop on time and checked my handy little bus riding app ("One" by Metro bus in Houston).  It's a little creepy it wants my location on but it told me I had a 20 minute wait.  So I sat down.  Might as well.  

I got up when it said I had 4 minutes and waved cheerfully, said Good Morning, got on, gave her the candy.  What I did NOT do: bitch about waiting 20 minutes in the heat; she's just a public servant who lost her break over whatever happened.  

I got to the grocery store and found both the Italian Sausage and some boneless skinless chicken thighs.  There were a LOT of thighs in even the smallest package (the store tends to cater to large families) but I figured I would eat it all as I love chicken thighs, my favorite part of the chicken.  They have much more flavor than a breast.  I could also manage a small bottle of olive oil which made me very happy (I can dress the pasta in a little before adding the sauce, and use it to cook the sausage).  Candy of course.  I was OK on zip locks for the candy.   I decided I needed more parmesan and a large block of cheese.  

I did not buy any cookies or chips.  I want to transition back into "lower" carbs if not outright low carb.  I got a snack for the driver, who, when he picked me up, greeted me by name and thanked me.  I was glad I had gotten him an "extra" bottle of cold water as it is hot and he's sitting in the sun all day.  They do have their own AC and fans up front but I have been told it still gets hot.  

I got home pretty quick.  I was pretty wiped out from waiting in the heat so I put the perishables away and laid down for a little while with Biscuit and Spotty.  

I evicted my feather pillow from the bed and I did feel less congested when I got up.  

I read a book once on fashion and style types.  Fabulous You  It was, WITHOUT DOUBT THE most useful book I ever read on dressing myself.  There are 6 basic style types, I'm a Sporty/Romantic.  So I am completely happy in shorts and a tank top, or something frilly.  

One thing Tori mentioned in the book was you can always tell a Romantic by the number of pillows she has in her house, and I have an abundance.  So it was easy enough to find a plain foam pillow.  And I napped just fine on that, I think it will work great for overnights.  

Biscuit was Original Kitty and stayed with me the whole time.  Spotty came by and walked on me, meowed some, got some petting.  He tried Biscuit's patience during my God Time today by getting in my lap, also during my God Time.  I have a pretty big lap being over 200 pounds (somewhere around 220 I think), but it gets crowded with both of them.  That's, like, 50 pounds of cat.  

I did see Cleo earlier she is doing well.  She ran away when she saw me with my hand cart, though.  Poor animal.   Life is terrifying for Cleo.  But I love her and accept her.  

I'm going to cook up at least one chicken thigh tonight with some of the black bean garlic paste and see if it's a headache trigger - I have tomorrow off so it won't "matter" the way it would if I had to work tomorrow.  Worst case I can just spend the day in bed and mop the floor another day. 

My Monday-Wednesday first driver asked me to pick her up some black bean garlic paste so I did that.  She said she'll pay me but I'm not worried.  

That's it for now!  

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