Saturday, August 17, 2024

I felt bad for the owners of the import market

 I came at the store from a different angle today and I saw a gathering of homeless people on the side of the building basically drinking and being rowdy.  And I'm pushing my hand cart.  I'm wearing shorts that come about 3 inches over my knee so I consider very modest but not by Middle Eastern standards, wearing a red tshirt and sneakers pushing "my buggy" with flaming orange hair.  

The owner came out and asked if he could help - before I even got to the door.  I said "Yes!" I patted my head "I LOVE YOUR HENNA I want to buy more!  And some sandalwood soap!"  He smiled.  "I'll put my cart over here" (obscure corner).  He held the door for me and I went in.  He said something in his native language to his wife that ended in "Henna".  I went to the right location and picked it all up in about 30 seconds, paid and was out of there in 2 minutes.  

That's a rough spot to have a business!   I have gotten a very hard NO on any sort of candy or evangelism even though I have some Arabic tracts, I respect that.  That's what America is built on, mutual respect.  

I went to the grocery store and my favorite cashier almost had a heart attack when she saw me, she put her hand on her chest and gaped at me for a good 10 seconds, started laughing, and said she loved it.  I am getting that a lot, actually.  I got more candy and ziplocks, also found some pork chops (good thing I went to the stores in that order!).  I do love a good pork chop in my iron skillet.  I showed her a box of the hair color and told her how I did it.  

By the way, hair color day I had to use my thick rubber gloves because I couldn't find the disposable ones.  I found them today I couldn't believe I missed them.  

I plan to take a nap and organize my hair stuff, the kitchen, do dishes and maybe do the floor.  

That's it for now.  

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