Saturday, August 17, 2024

I am having some issues over this

 I can handle having a stalker.  Actually my first boyfriend found me in Houston somehow and was sending letters to the house asking to move in.  He knew we had 2 bedrooms he had done his research.  I told him no, leave us alone, and he did.  Last I heard he was homeless.

So I have a female stalker who actively harasses me and tries to cause trouble.  She follows the blog and leaves filthy, obscene, and hateful messages if I open comments.  She has made it clear she's going to try to ruin the life of any man who loves me.

Who's going to sign up for that, I have to wonder.  But I have to TELL him before it gets serious.

Like I said I think I'll do alright.  No one knows what I do for a living (whatever my boss tells me LOL).  I work at Walmart but no one knows which one.  I have spoken to people at work about giving out my information and why.  I don't name the bus routes I take or the transit center.  I have done what I can.  Unfortunately my full name, Facebook, and address are out there as well.

Now I think a nice guy might sign up for a former battered wife and those issues.  I might even find a guy who can deal with the mood disorder.  The disability.  But a stalker on top of that?  We couldn't even put pictures on Facebook!  

Only God knows the man for that.  Sad thing I would run like hell.  

And I have to be careful.  Another woman in my circle was murdered - domestic violence.  I don't need that in my life.  

Only God can handle my love life!  

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