Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Dreading the neti pot again

 I also need to figure out lunch today.  

I am wanting McDonald's.  I have some money so I can do that if I want.  One of my friends has a key to my locker and left some cash in my vest.  

I have an unpleasant sinus headache even after the Excedrin.  I am OK on the cough suppressant though that should still be working for another couple hours.  

The cats kept getting into bed with me last night they are not respecting my allergies (grin) but the neti hell at least got out whatever I picked up during the day so I was alright.  

Wednesdays aren't generally too bad.  I won't see Buddy and I have to be careful riding home as those troublemakers ride the same bus I do and one of them cut my hair.  But the Wednesday guy coming home is very kind.  Not very chatty but he looks out for me since I told him what happened.  

It has been miserably hot so that's cutting ridership too.  That, to me, is a good thing at least on the crazy train route.  

That's it for now.  

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