Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Kids on the crazy train

 The bus before Buddy broke down so his was packed.  There was a guy standing right up by Buddy so I couldn't talk to him for a while, but a nice older (maybe 60?) man moved his stuff so I could sit with him.  I'm not the only one who does a threat assessment before deciding to share my seat and I'm exactly what I appear to be, a tired retail worker.  I thanked him and gave him a bag of candy.  I noticed Buddy seemed a little agitated he kept rubbing his face as I talked to the other guy.  It was very light stuff I talked about cats and what they like to eat, how Bubba was a thief but such a good, good, cat.  The guy next to me, and the guy by Buddy, got off after about 10 minutes.  

He stopped rubbing his face and acting restless and we started talking.  

I have lived in enough bad neighborhoods to know what to carry on my person vs what I carry in my bag.  Bag has things like my safety vest and silverware for work.  Lunch bag has my empty containers from lunch, things like that.  If either is stolen I'd be mad about losing the bag (they are both purple) but I could just hop on Amazon and get another.  

I don't have any cash and I don't carry my wallet, just my keys, and those are in my pocket.  

So, aside from the guy who assaulted me there are also some "bad" kids who get on the bus at about the halfway point.  They are very rowdy and get into shoving matches, etc., they are most remarkable for screaming conversation at each other in Spanish as they travel.  

Buddy does not divulge it but he's bilingual.  And even then if someone asks him a question in Spanish he will answer in English.  Ron would say he 'White Identifies".  But he's fluent I'd bet.  

So anyways yesterday 3 of the "bad" kids got on the bus.  I was sitting in the frontmosst passenger seat with my backpack next to me, there was a third seat free.  

The kids got one,, one directed another to go sit next to me.  When I got off the bus I saw one of my zippers was open so he was going through the bag.  I hope he enjoyed the tampons.  I carry them because I keep hearing you just don't know at this age.  

The other two stood up front in front of me, talking.  One showed the other an ankle monitor and then replied "Something - pistola" when asked about it.  A pistola is a gun.  I'm not going to tell my Dad about this one but I did tell my aunt in a text.  

So one's a thief and the other is a gun toter.  It really is the crazy train and I venture the whole group is going to end up in prison one day.  

When they got off I said "Pistola, huh?" and Buddy went "What?" I told him and he laughed.  We have that in common, we laugh at that kind of thing.  

It was nice to see him.  I did tell him I'd be working different hours next week.  He asked if it was permanent or was I coming back and I said I was coming back, in two weeks.  

When I got off I said "Be safe, see you in 2 weeks!" and he said "Bye Heather".  That's the first time he's called me by name.  fdWhen

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