Saturday, August 24, 2024

Very early Saturday

 Well I made it home OK.  Talked to my parents some news I can't share as it pins me down.  

Nothing that will affect me, directly I THINK, but we'll see.  

I did find it interesting the bus passed in front of us (Ace drove me home) on the way home but I couldn't see who was  driving.  I did wonder, though.  

It will be very interesting to see if he is there on the second.  A lot hinges on that.  If he does come back it is because he asked, they request routes and are given them based on seniority.  

What I find interesting Buddy is a natural driver; better than even long term veterans.  Many, many drivers seem to alternate stomping on the gas and brake but he has a much smoother driving style.  I would want to ride with him every day even if I didn't like him just for that.  

Last night a former coworker of mine came by the store she had heard about my hair.  She is going to beauty school and wanted to see it.  I showed it to her (I had it pulled back as I worked) and we talked about doing a henna vs. a chemical process.  She really liked it and I took that as a serious compliment because this is what she does for a living.  She said she would give me a free blow out some time.  

So I may have found a hair dresser.  Speaking of hair I am doing another henna treatment today as I have some roots coming in and I want to do an overall touch up.  I will do another one about a week before I go see my parents.  I have plenty of henna.  

I used 150 grams of henna, about 2 cups hot water mixed with apple cider vinegar (it helps the color release) and a little bit of lemon juice.  I'm going to let it "work" for about 6 hours and then apply it, leave it on for 4 hours.  It's an all day thing but it has been worth it.  

The cats are good, Biscuit was in the front window when I got home.  I thought it was adorable.  

That's it for now, I'm going to try to go back to bed for a while.  

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