Saturday, August 3, 2024

I slept pretty good last night

 I only woke up once that I remember.  That's good for me.  

Biscuit, my original kitty, was there the whole time.  He wouldn't let me make the bed when I got home so I just slept on the mattress cover.  It has some sort of soft top.  

One of the Team Leads said for sure they don't need me this weekend so I can just relax.  I'm not sure exactly what they plan to do with my schedule but she did say they would be changing it to have me work next weekend.  

I had been a little worried, I hadn't seen Cleo in a few days, but I did see her lounging under the neighbor's car, watching the neighborhood, when I got home last night.  I did come home with a nice bag of dry food and 4 cans of wet.  They put the Special Kitty Mixed Grill on rollback so it's only 57 cents plus my discount.  

Ace is doing good he had my umbrella in the back seat.  Good, I had totally forgotten about it.  

I plan to run to the grocery store later and buy some more candy (I'm going to run out by Friday if I don't) and a few other things.  

That's it for now  

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