Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Here I go again

 I love Houston for many reasons.  We have such an amazing, close-knit, mix of cultures you never know what you will find.  I bought my stuff today at an import store.  It has a delicious taco truck in the parking lot.  That's just how we roll in H-town.  

I got a jar of Mango Chutney.  I love that stuff.  Haven't had it in a long, long, time.  

I also got a nice bar of sandalwood soap because I have been wanting some.  

And of course I got this: 

I went to the grocery store, got vegetables, a little fruit, some boneless skinless chicken thighs, frozen vegetables, etc.  

Then I came home.  The driver who brought me home is the escapee from the "Crazy Train" route she was the one who was just so aggravated and hated the route so, so much.  

Buddy seems to take the angle I do with humor "You won't believe what they did today".  Anyway I hope Buddy likes red hair.  

So I told her about the guy trying to put his head in my lap Monday night, she gave a grim nod.  She's not going back!  She asked if I had far to walk and I told her a way, but that was OK because I didn't want my cats anywhere near a busy street.  She agreed.  

I came home, put the groceries away, and got the henna started.  My technique I mix the henna with a  little lemon juice and about equal parts apple cider vinegar and boiling water, mix well, let sit for some hours, apply, let sit a couple more hours, and rinse out with conditioner.  

I have a lot of gray so it will be a mix of orange (on the gray) and red.  I decided to go ahead and to it tonight.  

Here's how it looked about 10 years ago.  

They're going to FLIP at work.  

Buddy?  Who knows.  

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