Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Yesterday was just odd

 It is official, I have gotten more compliments in the last week than I have in my life!  

Work was OK I thought it was interesting when another department needed someone for the job they came and "stole" me for it.  Out of dozens of associates in the store...I told them I was flattered they had picked me.  And I did it right.  

When I got to the bus stop I heard a young black man yelling "hey".  I was dumb enough to look, he was hanging out the back car window and said "Screw this and screw that, bitch".  I just started at him, the light changed, he left.  

I find it interesting the devil attacks me via young black men.  When I was assaulted, when I was mugged, when I was shot in the leg with a pellet gun, my house robbed - all young black men.  What is funny; the skinheads consider me a "race traitor" because I married a black man.  

But they are also part of my ministry and I have given many, many, Bibles to young black men in marginal neighborhoods.  And I pray for them daily.  So I'm not hating I just find it sad.  

I left carrying my lunch bag.  I had some spaghetti for Buddy and also a small container of lentils.  When he pulled up he didn't say a word or smile so I thought what's up?  Then he said he didn't recognize me because of the hair so I thought "He's the one person in Houston who hates it".  I gave him the food and he said it was "too much" I was "too nice' and he only wanted candy from now on.  

I couldn't help but wonder if it was a nice way to say he didn't like my cooking!  He didn't seem very chatty so I respected that. I didn't mention getting cussed out but I did ask him which neighborhood, Acres Homes or Greenspoint, would be better suited to a Bible Handout and he said Acres Homes.  Then he went silent again until I got off.  

As I'm walking off the bus he says "By the way I like your hair".  

He couldn't say that when I got on?!  I handed out candy at the transit center until I ran out (I saved a bag for my home bus) and went home.  

We are having extreme heat warnings.  But I was OK walking home.  

For me, riding the bus and doing Bible Handouts it is a fine line between hydrating and having to run to the bathroom.  But I seemed to do OK.  

I didn't sleep well at all, got up and cooked some bok choi and kale in the wok with some olive oil, papper, and lemon.  I can have that with a chicken thigh or pork chop for lunch.  

That's it for now!  

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