Friday, August 30, 2024

It's just another example of management gone wrong

I did everything they asked well before they expected.  They also asked me to do something else; other employees turn this into an all night job, I did it in an hour and a half.  

And my boss found one thing she didn't like (other employees, herself, and the other team leads put things in an area - there were 2 bags of food, paid merchandise, drinks, etc...she was angry it wasn't tidy, called me as I was clocking out, shouted at me, said there was going to be an accounting today) she's yelling at me loud enough an employee at another table is staring, I just said I was sorry and she relented.  

But REALLY?  I did the work of 2-3 people last night, in a six hour shift.  

Screw it.  I didn't lose any sleep.  You can't have it both ways - it is either the parking lot or you want it tidy, you don't get both.  I won't say that of course.  She herself is notorious for leaving half drunk sodas all over the place.  

The good news I will probably be on the zone - so I won't see her until 3.  I will have a lunch at 6 or 7, so that's another hour, and she leaves at 8 so maybe 4 hours total.  The good news they did give me the equipment I needed last night to do the one part of my job.  

Some, a lot of, my job is just stuff I have to do with my hands and eyes.  Part of it requires equipment which I have had a lot of trouble getting in the past, but I'm going to start documenting that.  

I really feel like I cannot document ENOUGH.  

I vented a little to Ace on the way home - I feel bad about that but he said this is why he will never work for someone else, this kind of BS - and he made a comment I felt was a real zinger but I cannot share.  I do like Ace a lot - like a brother.  I have never touched him other than loading/unloading the cab.  I wouldn't unless he was having a really terrible day and he said he could use a hug.  But I value and respect him as a brother.  He's been there for me when a lot of people weren't.  

Why not him?  Well for one he is not saved, and that's forbidden in the Bible.  Second he is divorced and I think that is complicated.  Also the Bible says if I marry a divorced man it is adultery.  It is permitted but not advised.  And I can see why.  There are a lot of complicated feelings there I can tell.  Third I think he is one of those super tidy types and I am not.  I think that would be an issue.  

Although he has been fine with the cats even driving Cleo home from the vet when she pooped in her carrier.  He thought it was funny.  The cab REEKED.  He was so nice about it!  That's why I would never screw things up.  

I slept OK.  It's going to rain pretty much the next week so I am bringing my poncho every day.  

Biscuit was heaving a little this morning - probably a hair ball.  I felt bad for him so I gave him some wet food for breakfast.  I also put out the regular dry ration as well.  He gobbled up the wet food so he's feeling better.  I hope he doesn't start using that as a gimmick.  

I need to take a shower, do my God Time, get dressed.  Since I wear my work clothes out on the bus and at work, not exactly clean environments, I don't like to wear them in the house so I will probably put them on last thing.  

Last night I also used my phone to put another $40 on my bus card.  Interestingly enough Metro bus has several passes saved under my account.  But I only have the one card so I don't know what's up with that.  I just add the value to the card that starts with a 4 and that works  

Oddly enough only I can put value on it because it is a "registered" card and I have to enter a passcode to put value on it.  I did that of course but I thought it was interesting.  If someone wants to put value on my card let them... but they say no.  

If someone wanted to they would have to buy an unregistered card and do it that way.  It will be interesting to see what happens with that if I do start dating a bus driver.  I know spouses ride for free... 

So I am moderately dreading work today which I find sad.  I don't know what I'm doing for lunch either.  

That's it for now.  

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